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American Imperialism! Please copy down and respond to the following. What were the primary reasons for imperialism at the end of the 19 th century?

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Presentation on theme: "American Imperialism! Please copy down and respond to the following. What were the primary reasons for imperialism at the end of the 19 th century?"— Presentation transcript:

1 American Imperialism! Please copy down and respond to the following. What were the primary reasons for imperialism at the end of the 19 th century?

2 "We need Hawaii just as much and a good deal more than we did California. It is manifest destiny." (1898) "William McKinley: quote on Hawaii."


4 What influence did European imperialism have on American imperialism?

5 Where?

6 What point of view does this illustration reflect? What is the significance of the inserted map at the lower right? 1798

7 1. Commercial /Business Interests Overproduction resulted in periodic economic depression which underscored the need for new markets, especially overseas. As industry expanded, new sources of raw materials were needed American increasingly looked to Latin America and to East Asia, esp. China.

8 2. Military and Strategic Interests CPT Alfred Thayer Mahan Influence of Sea Power upon History 1660-1783 (1890) traced Britain's growth as a world power, linking it to growth as a sea power If the US were to emerge as a world power, an expanded navy was needed Increased demand for an isthmian canal to bring Pacific and Atlantic coasts together, i.e., the Panama Canal


10 Roosevelt was fond of the African proverb, "Speak softly and carry a big stick, you will go far." His foreign policy style has come to be called Big Stick diplomacy.

11 ?

12 Rationalizing Imperialism… As part of his annual address to Congress in 1904, President Theodore Roosevelt stated that in keeping with the Monroe Doctrine the United States was justified in exercising "international police power" to put an end to chronic unrest or wrongdoing in the Western Hemisphere. This came to be called the Roosevelt Corollary.

13 The Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine declared that the United States would exercise "international police power" to get Latin American nations to honor their financial commitments. Americans began to be concerned when British, German, and Italian gunboats blockaded Venezuela’s ports in 1902 because the Venezuelan government defaulted on its debts to foreign bondholders. European intervention in Latin America would undermine America's dominance in the region.

14 Irony? The Monroe Doctrine's purpose had been to prevent intervention in the internal affairs of Latin American countries. The Roosevelt Corollary sought to justify such intervention whenever the American government thought it was necessary. It wasn't long before the corollary was put into action. The Dominican Republic could not pay its debts and to protect American interests the United States took over the customs houses and established a customs receivership.


16 3. Religious or Missionary Interests The missionary impulse saw as the white man's burden the need to bring "civilization" to the less advantaged peoples of the world Civilization meant "White Anglo-Saxon Protestantism"

17 1899 Satire of Kipling’s phrase “the white man’s burden” shows the colonial powers being carried as the burden of their Philippine subjects.

18 4. Ideas of Social Darwinism  Darwin's ideas ( survival of the fittest ; Iron Law of the jungle ) were extended to human society in general -- the earth belonged to the strongest and the fittest.  Its chief exponent was Yale Sociology professor William Graham Sumner (1840-1910), a former Episcopalian priest.

19 5. Closing of the American Frontier Census of 1890 observed that the American frontier had come to a close. Based on this notion, Frederick Jackson, postulated that the American system, its political and industrial institutions and democratic traditions, had existed on a frontier.

20 Why? Analyze the United States' motivation for expansion in the late 19th century. What was the primary motivation? Do you agree with the practice of imperialism? Was imperialism counter to the “American ideals?”

21 Does this cartoon support or criticize United States imperialism?




25 Why does the quote below make United States imperialism problematic? “The flag did outrun the Constitution.”

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