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DISORDERED EATING Taelar Shelton, MS, ATC, AT/L. ANOREXIA NERVOSA Unable to maintain normal body weight Calorie restriction (restricting anorexia) Intense.

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Presentation on theme: "DISORDERED EATING Taelar Shelton, MS, ATC, AT/L. ANOREXIA NERVOSA Unable to maintain normal body weight Calorie restriction (restricting anorexia) Intense."— Presentation transcript:


2 ANOREXIA NERVOSA Unable to maintain normal body weight Calorie restriction (restricting anorexia) Intense fear of weight gain Distorted body image Amenorrhea Combine restirction of calories with binge purge episodes (binge purge anorexia)

3 BULIMIA NERVOSA Purging bulimia- use laxatives, diuretics or vomiting Nonpurging bulimia- excessive exercising or dieting Coping mechanism- feeling of being in control

4 EATING DISORDERS NOT OTHERWISE SPECIFIED (EDNOS) EDNOS- anorexia or bulimia behaviors that don’t meet critieria for diagnosis Binge eating disorder- paterns of normal eating behavior followed by patterns of binging without purging Night-eating syndrome- overeating in the evening, loss of appetite in morning and sleep problems

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