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Poster Presentations ELEC422 Design II. Objectives To gain experience in a new presentation format that relies more on visuals than on text to present.

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Presentation on theme: "Poster Presentations ELEC422 Design II. Objectives To gain experience in a new presentation format that relies more on visuals than on text to present."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poster Presentations ELEC422 Design II

2 Objectives To gain experience in a new presentation format that relies more on visuals than on text to present the message To showcase ECE senior capstone design projects to a broader audience, i.e., Engineers week participants Get immediate feedback from participants

3 Poster Preparation Constructed on poster boards Created using software (such as PowerPoint) and printed on large-format paper Make your poster aesthetically pleasing to attract viewers Communicate clearly and concisely the essential aspects of the design project

4 Poster Content Introduction/Background/Need and Fit Purpose, goals, and objectives Problem addressed by the design/project Competitive products/ current state of the art Design Concept Outcomes, anticipated results Convince your audience!

5 Poster Layout Make a rough sketch of the layout before adding text and graphics Title and authors’ name with affiliation at the top and center of the poster Layout: 2 to 3 columns in portrait format 3 to 4 columns in landscape format



8 Poster Appearance Make the poster attractive with interesting graphics and a pleasant color scheme Organize the sections so that information flow from top left to bottom right Use white space to separate sections Bulleted lists preferred to large blocks of text Proofread to avoid incorrect spelling and grammatical errors

9 Font Selection Large and legible from at least 3 feet away Limit title lines to 65 or fewer characters (Mixed type or ALL CAPS bold) Title occupies between half and two-thirds of the poster width Body text no smaller than 24 point, mixed type, and not boldface Consult Table 12.1 of Knisely’s text for range of fonts and styles


11 How-to with PowerPoint 2010 Entire poster contained on one slide Slide size is set in the ‘Page Setup’ dialog box Text written in textboxes Textboxes along with visuals (images, figures, graphs) inserted onto the slide Printer resolution of at least 240 ppi (pixels per inch) for quality images (e.g. 1200  1680 pixels for a 5”  7” print)


13 Presenting Your Poster Stand on the side of the poster and be prepared to discuss the work interested individuals 3-30-5 rule 3 seconds to capture passerby’s attention with the title 30 seconds to give an ‘elevator pitch’ 3 to 5 minutes to give them the ‘whole story’ Anticipate questions and prepare answers

14 Dos and Don’ts Dress professionally Do not wear sunglasses Do not wear caps or other headwear Do not chew gum or tobacco Do not stand directly in front of the poster Do not badger passerby Prepare ancillary materials if appropriate Seek feedback from participants

15 Resources HP plotter with a maximum width of 2 feet To proofread your work, print a rough draft of your poster on an 8.5”  11” sheet of paper Easel-type stand or tri-fold poster boards provided

16 Grading 50% for poster (layout, appearance, content) 50% for presentation and attendance At least two additional judges Evaluation form similar to Table 12.2 of Knisely’s text



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