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2015-2016 PEIMS / SMS Discipline Update Bryan C. Savant Director of Student Services bcs 10-8-15 PEIMS_update_2015a.pptx.

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Presentation on theme: "2015-2016 PEIMS / SMS Discipline Update Bryan C. Savant Director of Student Services bcs 10-8-15 PEIMS_update_2015a.pptx."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015-2016 PEIMS / SMS Discipline Update Bryan C. Savant Director of Student Services bcs 10-8-15 PEIMS_update_2015a.pptx

2 Required PEIMS training certificate for all people who have an action record associated with their name. Principals can submit a document stating when the updates were covered with them by their AP who did attend the training. Don’t wait until PEIMS date to verify you have this certificate. Help your coworkers verify they have theirs! bcs 10-8-15 PEIMS_update_2015a.pptx

3 Certify Errors It can’t help you if you don’t have the incidents entered It can’t help you if you don’t check it It can’t help you if you think someone else is fixing the errors Address errors daily Some errors can not be fixed if not addressed in a timely manor Watch for Severe Errors – Need to be addressed that day bcs 10-8-15 PEIMS_update_2015a.pptx

4 Part Day Removals # Hours at secondary schools is actually the number of class periods (not clock hours) in a day Must be recorded manually in attendance Removal code posted in attendance must match the # hours number you used on the discipline incident TEA focus if for multiple days – Notes must indicate why short term removal for multiple days and not full day. – Include the classes for which the student is being released to or retained. bcs 10-8-15 PEIMS_update_2015a.pptx

5 Removals from class could affect your funding and accountability Use the correct code (full day vs. part day) Use the actual dates – If student does not complete the removal by the expected end date, the date must be adjusted. – If student is released early, you must adjust the end date AND Actual Length AND Difference reason. – Attendance must be adjusted to reflect new date range. – Attendance MUST match all discipline actions that remove from class bcs 10-8-15 PEIMS_update_2015a.pptx

6 Discipline Hearings 3 day notice of hearing If MDR is needed, the parent is allowed 5 days notice of the MDR meeting Hearing even if parent is not present – even if at the end of school Hearing results letters must be generated through e-portal Placement waiver no longer an option (only waiver option is on the 1 day DAEP program) Copy to Student Services, campus of placement, and - if drug incident – to Mr. Knippel’s office DO NOT send a copy of the transcript! bcs 10-8-15 PEIMS_update_2015a.pptx

7 SMS Data Entry Incident Duplication – Double clicking add action button (patience) – Back arrow in browser – Not opening student first Referred by & Action Taken By – Start typing, pause, choose from list Actions on Victims – Other than NCLB letter, use the Guidance Event Log Multiple Students on Single Incident – Tardy sweeps are not one incident – each student is unique (verified though Region 4) – Dress code incidents when entering building are not one incident bcs 10-8-15 PEIMS_update_2015a.pptx

8 Changes made during 14/15 Bullying / Harassment codes for Civil Rights – Two new categories – See code 63 description for link to examples provided by OCR – How are you handling the Bullying Allegation form? – Annual training requirement for staff and students Formatting of Notes in SMS on incidents – Professional – No student names (IDs) – Final version reflects actual event after investigation – Gun, Knife, justification of code bcs 10-8-15 PEIMS_update_2015a.pptx

9 Changes made during 14/15 cont. Physical Restraint action code added (OCR reportable) – Non-Special Ed – Personal restriction that immobilizes or reduces the ability of a student to move his or her torso, arms, legs, or head freely. The term physical restraint does not include a physical escort. Physical escort means a temporary touching or holding of the hand, wrist, arm, shoulder or back for the purpose of inducing a student who is acting out to walk to a safe location. bcs 10-8-15 PEIMS_update_2015a.pptx

10 Changes made during 14/15 cont. Clarification of codes – Code 71 includes inappropriate pictures of a sexual nature that are shared on the student’s electronic device – Code 99 includes E-Cigarettes if the insert does not contain tobacco (if tobacco it goes into code 33) – Code 99 includes Kush – Contact Mr. Knippel’s office for testing bcs 10-8-15 PEIMS_update_2015a.pptx

11 Changes made during 14/15 cont. Discipline records retention – 5 years in a central location – Includes all classroom removal letters DAEP, ISS/SAC, OSS/Suspension – Includes all bullying allegation forms Students over 21 can not be removed to a DAEP. If mandatory, district should revoke admission. bcs 10-8-15 PEIMS_update_2015a.pptx


13 Changes for 2015 / 2016 Clarified code 91 Simple Assault – Intent to harm but no bodily injury Code 41 Fight – Watch the wording of your notes. A “brawl” is a fight. A “fight” is a fight. Code 90 changed from Hitting Another Student to just Hitting (now covers teacher or student victim) Code 11 changed to Brought a Firearm to school TEC 37.007 (e) or Unlawful Carrying of a Handgun Code 12 changed to Unlawful Carrying of an Illegal Knife Code 13 changed to Unlawful Carrying of a Club Code 14 changed to Conduct Containing the Elements of an Offense Relating to Prohibited Weapons bcs 10-8-15 PEIMS_update_2015a.pptx

14 Changes for 2015 / 2016 cont. Change in Truancy laws (HB 2398) – New required processes before filing (see handout) – Can no longer file for 3 unexcused absences (code 43 removed) – Filing age increased from 18 to 19 – Discipline record now created when filing vs. when ruled on (no change a the school level) bcs 10-8-15 PEIMS_update_2015a.pptx

15 Changes for 2015 / 2016 cont. Appendix document changes – Updated Hearing Appeal Checklist (includes audio recording) – Added Special Education hearing processes – Notification of Removal letter template added – Witness statement form added bcs 10-8-15 PEIMS_update_2015a.pptx

16 Changes for 2015 / 2016 cont. Designation Of Campus Behavior Coordinator (SB 107) – The campus behavior coordinator is primarily responsible for maintaining student discipline and the implementation of this subchapter – Shall promptly notify a student's parent or guardian as provided by this subsection if under this subchapter the student is placed into in-school or out-of-school suspension, placed in a disciplinary alternative education program, expelled, or placed in a juvenile justice alternative education program or is taken into custody by a law enforcement officer. bcs 10-8-15 PEIMS_update_2015a.pptx

17 Changes for 2015 / 2016 cont. Campus Behavior Coordinator cont. – promptly contact the parent or guardian by telephone or in person; and – make a good faith effort to provide written notice of the disciplinary action to the student, on the day the action is taken, for delivery to the student's parent or guardian. bcs 10-8-15 PEIMS_update_2015a.pptx

18 Changes for 2015 / 2016 cont. Campus Behavior Coordinator cont. – If a parent or guardian entitled to notice under Subsection (d) has not been reached by telephone or in person by 5 p.m. of the first business day after the day the disciplinary action is taken, a campus behavior coordinator shall mail written notice of the action to the parent or guardian at the parent's or guardian's last known address. – If a campus behavior coordinator is unable or not available to promptly provide notice under Subsection (d), the principal or other designee shall provide the notice. bcs 10-8-15 PEIMS_update_2015a.pptx

19 Changes for 2015 / 2016 cont. Campus Behavior Coordinator cont. – Before ordering the suspension, expulsion, removal to a disciplinary alternative education program, the behavior coordinator must consider whether the student 1) acted in self-defense, 2) the intent or lack of intent at the time the student engaged in the conduct, 3) the student's disciplinary history, and 4) whether the student has a disability that substantially impairs the student's capacity to appreciate the wrongfulness of the student's conduct, regardless of whether the decision of the behavior coordinator concerns a mandatory or discretionary action. – Contact Mr. Knippel’s office for guidance if you feel one of these reasons should override a mandatory removal. bcs 10-8-15 PEIMS_update_2015a.pptx


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