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DLT: I can ask for someones phone number in Spanish. DLT: I can give a phone number in Spanish.

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Presentation on theme: "DLT: I can ask for someones phone number in Spanish. DLT: I can give a phone number in Spanish."— Presentation transcript:

1 DLT: I can ask for someones phone number in Spanish. DLT: I can give a phone number in Spanish.

2 What is your (informal) telephone number? ¿ Cuál es tu teléfono? What is your (formal) telephone number? ¿ Cuál es su teléfono? What is ____s telephone number? ¿Cuál es el teléfono de ____?

3 Things to notice: 1. It is NOT necessary to say Número de teléfono for phone number. Teléfono is used for Phone number 2. In Spanish, there is no s. Instead of say Juans phone number, you are actually saying the phone number of Juan (el teléfono de Juan).

4 It is… Es… You may also see… My phone number is… Mi teléfono es… ___s phone number is… El teléfono de ____ es…

5 When giving a phone number, the digits are often grouped together. So, instead of saying: 6-1-1-2-7-1-5 You may see: 6-11-27-15 In many Spanish speaking countries, telephone numbers have 7 or 8 digits. Usually, the first number is spoken alone and the remaining numbers are given in pairs.

6 1. Beatriz: 3-2-4-1-9-5-0 2. Jorge: 2-6-7-3-1-2-8 3. Rosaura: 2-1-3-2-5-3-1 4. Ángel: 7-1-8-6-3-9-4 5. Gladys: 1-2-8-1-5-2-2

7 Write the following phone numbers as I give them: 1. 3-31-28-19 2. 4-16-15-11 3. 1-14-27-30 4. 9-22-29-12 5. 8-20-21-18




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