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Migraine Headache Relief Migraine is a common cause of suffering in most people, resulting in lost work days. There is no need to live with the pain of.

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Presentation on theme: "Migraine Headache Relief Migraine is a common cause of suffering in most people, resulting in lost work days. There is no need to live with the pain of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Migraine Headache Relief Migraine is a common cause of suffering in most people, resulting in lost work days. There is no need to live with the pain of a migraine headache. Twenty-Four million people in the United States alone suffer from migraines. A migraine is typically a throbbing or pulsing headache, often focused on one-side of the head, and associated with nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, as well as certain smells. Natural migraine remedies can help reduce the length and severity of a migraine headache. Not all natural migraine cures work for everyone, so try various remedies until you find the ones that work best for you. Finally, learn to control the triggers to avoid getting a migraine. Click here for Natural Migraine Headache Remedy

2 Migraine Headache Migraines As Headaches Headaches come in many different shapes and forms. One of the most common chronic 'headaches' in our society is known as a migraine headache. The migraine headache affects approximately 12% of all people with the ratio of women to men estimated at around 3:1 respectively. Migraine headaches have certain characteristics which make them different from regular headaches and these can vary as there are numerous different types of migraines. The most common symptom of migraine headache experienced by the vast majority of sufferers is a pounding headache lasting from between a few hours to 3 entire days. Click here for Natural Migraine Headache Remedy

3 Migraine or Headache Headaches are the most common condition inflicted upon all people on a regular basis. Headaches come in many different shapes and forms and can be caused by many environmental, physical and/or psychological factors. So how do migraines differ from regular headaches? How will you know if your headache is in actual fact, a migraine? Most general headaches are characterized by dull or throbbing mild to moderate pain in the head, neck and shoulders. A general headache is usually caused by muscle tension, stress, dehydration, allergies or environmental factors such as loud noise, bright lights etc. Other headaches include exertional headaches, brought on by excessive exercise or physical exertion, sexual headaches, cluster headaches and a host of other more serious headaches. Migraine headaches are the second most common type of primary headache and they can have other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, or sensitivity to light. Click here for Natural Migraine Headache Remedy

4 Where Are Migraines Felt? Migraines are typically a pounding headache and are most commonly unilateral (one-sided) but this varies. The diagram below illustrates the more common sites of headache pain experienced by migraine sufferers. Often the pain can be located behind one eye. Click here for Natural Migraine Headache Remedy

5 Migraine Headache Stages The diagram below (Figure 2.0) illustrates the different stages of a classic migraine, also including the build up of related factors which may be responsible for bringing on the migraine attack. Click here for Natural Migraine Headache Remedy Most migraines work this way. There is almost always a 'predromal' stage which is characterized by things such as moodiness, tiredness or can even be an energy boost. This occurs from between 1 day to a few hours before a migraine attack and almost all migraine sufferers say they notice it. A build-up of external factors often leads to migraine attacks. The problem with this is a lot of people just don't know how to avoid this process. It is much easier said than done.

6 Natural Migraine Remedies There are many natural migraine remedies which serve to relieve sufferers of their symptoms in a number of ways. Homeopathics, herbalism, supplementation are all methods by which a migraine sufferer may find some relief in his/her symptoms. None of them will, however, address the root cause of the problem to act as a cure to migraines. Homeopathy is a natural method of treating illnesses which uses certain substances highly diluted to apparently cure the condition which may normally be caused by the dilute substance. Herbalism is an age old medicinal practice which uses substances from herbs to resolve ailments. Supplementation is a technique used in an attempt to supplement a patients dietary intake by providing substances which, if in lack, are thought to increase the likelihood of migraine attacks. Supplements such as magnesium, co- enzyme Q10 and riboflavin are found to be helpful in treating migraines to some extent. Click here for Natural Migraine Headache Remedy

7 The Migraine Solution Program "Finally, A Natural, Step-By-Step Guide To Treat Migraine Headaches Effectively” What Is The Migraine Solution Program?The Migraine Solution Program The Migraine Solution is a comprehensive migraine treatment program developed by Christine Holmes whose personal experience with migraines drove her to develop a solution to the migraine condition through safe, natural treatment methods. A holistic treatment which aims to refresh your entire system and treat the root cause of your migraines Click here for Natural Migraine Headache Remedy

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