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The History of the Periodic Table

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1 The History of the Periodic Table

2 John Dalton (1808) Ordered 36 elements Gave each element a symbol

3 J.W. Dobereiner (1829) Looked at the recently discovered Bromine
and observed properties half way between chlorine and iodine. Called the three elements a triad


5 Dmitri Mendeleev (1869 – 1871) Listed the known elements in groups based on a set of repeating properties He ordered them by atomic mass Mendeleev's table worked...he left gaps in his the table if he thought an element had not been discovered.


7 Lothar Meyer (1869) Published a table very much like Mendeleev’s table

8 Henry Moseley (1913) Determined atomic number for each element known at that time

9 Periodic Law When elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, there is a periodic repetition of their physical and chemical properties.

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