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Do Now: Answer the following question in several sentences. Be prepared to discuss. What reading strategies are you familiar with from past English classes?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now: Answer the following question in several sentences. Be prepared to discuss. What reading strategies are you familiar with from past English classes?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now: Answer the following question in several sentences. Be prepared to discuss. What reading strategies are you familiar with from past English classes? Why is it useful to be aware of reading strategies while you read?


3 What is active reading? Metacognition: thinking about thinking Be aware of your own thoughts and reactions as you read Why is this a useful skill?

4 Reading Strategies Inference/Prediction Connection Question Vocabulary Summary

5 Inference Making an educated assumption about something that previously happened/is currently happening based on clues in the text “I infer _________________ because the text says __________________.” EX: Jenny slowly dragged herself into the room, head down, face stained with tears. What can you infer about Jenny? What clues help you determine this? Why is this a useful skill?

6 Prediction Making an educated assumption about something that is going to happen based on clues in the text “I predict _________________ because the text says __________________.” EX: Tony had been getting angrier and angrier all day. How could his best friend Alex have betrayed him like that? Tony turned the corner and saw Alex at his locker, just a few feet away. Without thinking, Tony clenched his fist and lunged at Alex. What can you predict is about to happen? What clues help you determine this? Why is this a useful skill?

7 Connection Identifying similarities between a character/situation in the text and a character/situation in the real world or another text. “This reminds me of ___________, so I know that _____________.” EX: Erica nervously approached the open door. The colorful bulletin boards and smiling teacher did not make her feel any more confident about being the new kid at such a big school. How would she ever adjust? How can you connect to Erica and/or her situation? Why is this a useful skill?

8 Question What are they talking about? Are those all scientific terms that I don’t understand? The dialogue isn’t labeled. Who is talking right now? Why did that character just make that weird decision? I wonder who actually committed the crime. Sometimes the text answers your question, sometimes you figure it out yourself, and sometimes you never know the answer. Why is this a useful skill?

9 Vocabulary Identify unfamiliar vocabulary words. Use context clues to guess the definitions. Look up the definitions to know for sure. EX: An evanescent ring surrounded the moon as it rose. It was there for a moment, and then it disappeared. What does “evanescent” mean? Why is this a useful skill?

10 Summary (Identifying Main Ideas/Determining Importance) EX: Before you put on that Angry Birds costume and exhaust yourself roving from door to door pandering for candy, take a minute to reflect on the tradition in which you are taking part. Halloween is believed to have come from an ancient Celtic festival dating back some 2,000 years. November 1 st was the Celtic New Year and marked the end of summer to the Celts, so they celebrated on its eve by wearing costumes made of animal skins and dancing around bon fires. Over the next two millennia, this primitive celebration grew to be candy fueled costume ball that we know today. Summarize the main ideas of this passage. Why is this a useful skill?

11 Prediction I predict that eradicated diseases will begin to resurface because the text says that “the number of young children who are not fully vaccinated for preventable diseases has been steadily increasing over the last decade.”

12 Question Why would people think that vaccines are harmful? What are other reasons that a parent would avoid vaccinating his or her child?

13 Inference I infer that people don’t immunize because they are no longer exposed to and, therefore, no longer fear the diseases because the text says “immunizations developed to prevent the very diseases that their parents and grandparents feared.”

14 Vocabulary “placebo” They didn’t even know if they’d receive a vaccine or a placebo. From context clues, I know that it’s something you can give another person and that it’s not a vaccine. Maybe it has something to do with testing/running trials of new drugs. Definition: “a harmless pill, medicine, or procedure prescribed more for the psychological benefit to the patient than for any physiological effect”

15 Question I know that some people think vaccines cause Autism. Is this the only hypothesized health risk, or are there others?

16 Connection I remember filling out immunization forms every time I entered a new school. I guess they do this because so many people are near one another and disease could spread quickly if everyone at the school was not immune to those diseases.

17 Vocabulary “efficacy” And we need to do a much better job of educating parents, particularly those about to have their first child, who are really a captive audience for this kind of information about the safety, efficacy, and important of routine vaccinations. From context clues, I know that it’s a positive trait because it’s paired with the words “safety” and “importance.” It sort of looks like “efficient,” so maybe it’s similar to “efficiency.” Definition: “the ability to produce a desired or intended result”

18 What are the main ideas of “The Vaccine Debate?” Let’s come up with a one-paragraph summary.

19 Arguing a point: Answer in at least one well-developed paragraph The article is called "The Vaccine Debate," but it only really supports reasons in favor of mandatory vaccinations. Cite one reason from the article why it should be mandatory for parents to have their children vaccinated. Then, come up with one reason why it should NOT be mandatory for parents to have their children vaccinated. Which side do you agree with? Explain why.

20 “An Hour With Abuelo” (p. 9 textbook) Actively read the story. Come up with at least one: Inference: I infer…because the text says… Prediction: I predict…because the text says… Connection: This reminds me of…so I know that… Question Vocabulary word: include the word, a guess of the definition using context clues, and the actual definition (use a dictionary!) Then, provide a brief summary (no more than five sentences) of the story. Include the most important information and exclude unnecessary details.

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