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Appraisal It’s about learning It’s about growth It’s about accountability.

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Presentation on theme: "Appraisal It’s about learning It’s about growth It’s about accountability."— Presentation transcript:

1 Appraisal It’s about learning It’s about growth It’s about accountability

2 What is the story about appraisal you hear most …. or find yourself telling the most? My question is…

3 Dual purposes of appraisal

4 Appraisal Conceptual Framework He Kete Whakatipu Ngaio Tangata

5 Evaluation Evaluative Capability: Appraisal Process Describe what ‘good’ looks like Work with colleagues to develop indicators, illustrations, rubrics, to shape a full understanding of ‘good’ Ask the evaluative question: How well does my practice enact each of the PTC and overall?

6 Determine the sources of evidence that can be used to answer this question Use suitable processes to gather the evidence Use the evidence to examine whether there is a significant gap between my practice and ‘good’ Answer the evaluative question by reaching a reasoned conclusion

7 Evaluation What is the essence of each criterion? Highlight key words in each criterion. What’s the active language in each criterion? What does good look like using the PTC?

8 Evaluation What is the essence of each standard? Highlight key words in each standard: What’s the active language and what is the focus for each standard? What do they look like in action at your school? What does good look like using Professional Standards?


10 CriteriaKey Indicators Reflective Question Tātaiako What does ‘good’ practice look like in your school? What do you regard as valid evidence to demonstrate ’good’ practice? Demonstrate commitment to bicultural partnership in Aotearoa New Zealand Demonstrate respect for the heritages, languages and cultures of both partners to the Treaty of Waitangi How in my professional work do I reflect respect for the cultural heritages of both Treaty partners in Aotearoa New Zealand ? Tangata whenuatanga What does ‘good’ look like in your school?

11 Evaluation Strategic plan Annual Plan along with Analysis of Variance Education Review Office recommendations Feedback from previous appraisals – my learning needs Professional Inquiry into Practice - my learning needs Where do performance goals come from?

12 Graphic credit: Judy Halberg and Linda Kaser (2013) Ref: Helen Timperley, Linda Kaser and Judy Halbert What’s the process you (and your teachers) are using to work towards your goals?

13 Education Council: Renewal of Practising Certificate Who is the evidence for?

14 Evidence Analysis -Sources And Perspectives

15 Cultural competencies Types Of Evidence (Necessary And Sufficient) My Evidence ShowsFocusSources Of Evidence Outcomes Impact on Student learning across the curriculum Impact on the organisation’s culture –Assessment information –Student Voice –Parent/whānau voice –Colleague voice –Teaching/Lesson observation and feedback –Teacher voice Teaching Teacher curriculum content knowledge Actual teaching practice Interactions with other staff, parents/whānau PlanningTeacher conception –espoused theory of teaching and learning –espoused theory of professional relationships –Short and Long term planning –Planning for Teacher Inquiry or Self Review –Resources –Classroom environment

16 My Evidence Shows FocusSources Of Evidence Outcomes Impact on student learning and achievement Impact on the organisation’ s culture –Analysis of Variance –Student Voice –Parent/whānau voice –Teacher voice –Colleague voice –Observation –School environment Leadership Practice Actual Practice Interactions with staff, parents/whānau, students and the board PlanningLeadership theory of improvement – what will bring about the changes we seek? How will we know? –Strategic and annual plans

17 What might I do with my evidence? Know where evidence can be found (Strategic and annual plans, analysis of variance report, monthly board reports…) Curate some of it to inquire into and evaluate practice and its impact on outcomes for community, staff and students. Map it to the PS/PTC and performance agreement Bring evidence to an appraisal meeting Talk about your practice and its effect on staff & students Affirm what is going well and identify learning needs.

18 An index to your evidence..

19 Green = strong Evidence Orange = some evidence Summary page..

20 Appraisal Components Are these components clear in your school?

21 Are your appraisal goals aligned to the schools strategic direction? Is there shared understanding among teachers about what good teaching looks like? Whose views are considered in appraisals? How is your appraisal process influencing outcomes for learners? Questions to consider..

22 What key messages will you take back to your BOT chair?

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