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Feminism and the Household Week 3 - Domestic Violence.

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1 Feminism and the Household Week 3 - Domestic Violence

2 Learning objectives – after this session you should be able to… Analyse some of the patterns of domestic abuse with reference to case studies. Identify two explanations of domestic violence. Evaluate why domestic violence is difficult to identify and study.

3 Statistic sharing For homework you were asked to research one fact or statistic about domestic violence. Share these until all 8 boxes on your sheet of paper are full.

4 Facts Up to 120 women are killed by their partners each year (Guardian, December 2005) Young women aged 20-24 report the highest levels of violence (British Crime Survey, 1996) 50% of all adult women experience incidents of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking (British Crime Survey, 2004) Ten men were killed by their female partners between December 2003 and December 2004 (Guardian, December 2005) The conviction rate for rape is 5.5% (Observer, May 2006)

5 Facts continued… Paul Dalton killed his wife, cut her body up with an electric saw and stored pieces in the freezer. He was cleared of murder on grounds of provocation and received 2 years in custody (Guardian, December 2005) On average about seven women and two men are killed by their current or former partner every month in England and Wales. (BBC News, November 2014)seven women and two men

6 Definition of Domestic Violence The Women’s Aid Federation (2008) defines domestic violence and abuse as: Physical, psychological, sexual or financial violence that takes place within an intimate or family-type relationship and forms a pattern of coercive and controlling behaviour. It may involve partners, ex-partners, household members or other relatives. A common view of domestic violence is that it is the behaviour or a disturbed few. However, it is too widespread to be just the behaviour of a few ‘disturbed’ individuals.

7 Patterns of abuse Write down two things that you notice that each of the cases had in common

8 Studies Women’s Aid Federation (2014) – domestic violence accounts for between a sixth and a quarter of all violent crime. Crime Survey for England and Wales (2013) – 2 million people reported having been victims of domestic abuse during the previous year.

9 Studies continued… Russell and Rebecca Dobash (1979) Research in Scotland cited examples of wives being slapped, pushed about, beaten, raped or killed by their husbands. Incidents were often set off by a challenge to the husband’s authority. Why might official statistics under-estimate the true extent of domestic violence? 1.Unwillingness to report 2.Police and prosecutors are reluctant to record, investigate or prosecute the cases reported to them – why?

10 Explanations of Domestic Violence Radical Feminist Men are the enemy: they are the oppressors and exploiters of women In the family men dominate through domestic violence or the threat of it. Male domination of state institutions explains why police and courts do not deal effectively with domestic abuse cases.

11 Explanations of Domestic Violence Marxist feminist Fran Ansley -

12 Explanations of domestic violence Materialist Those on low incomes and with little power are more likely to be victims of domestic abuse. Why? Higher levels of stress due to low income and overcrowded accommodation increases the risk of conflict and violence.

13 Why don’t domestic violence victims leave? olence_victims_don_t_leave olence_victims_don_t_leave Watch the clip and answer the questions on your sheets ready for discussion.

14 For next week… Complete your first draft of the assignment on Feminism and the Household and bring to class. Make sure that you have a list of the sources you have used for research. You will be given feedback on your first assignment and will see how you can apply what you have learnt to this one.

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