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King Abdul-Aziz University ELI New head way plus pre-intermediate

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1 King Abdul-Aziz University ELI New head way plus pre-intermediate
Unit 11:Things that changed the world

2 Introduction to the unit
The title of the unit is “things that changed the world ‘and the theme is the history of some internationally well-known discoveries and inventions: X-ray,paper,DNA,the Google search engine and chewing gum.

3 Make true sentences from the chart. P.86
Rice is grown in Japan and China. Ferraris are made in Italy. Nikon cameras are made in Japan. Coffee is grown in Brazil. Pineapples are grown in Hawaii.

4 The grammar spot The Active and Passives voice
In active sentences, the thing doing the action is the subject of the sentence and the thing receiving the action is the object. Most sentences are active. Subject + verb+ object Examples: Ahmed plays tennis. Subject verb object

5 The passive The passive voice is used when focusing on the person or thing affected by an action. The Passive is formed: Passive Subject + To Be + Past Participle The subject is not mentioned because we don’t know it or it’s not important. Passive sentence: Object+ verb to be+ (the main verb in past participle) + by (subject or not). Example: Tennis is played. OR Tennis is played by Ahmed.

6 Example: Active Passive Simple Present
Active / Passive Overview Active Passive Simple Present Once a week, Tom cleans the house. Once a week, the house is cleaned by Tom. Present Continuous Right now, Sarah is writing the letter. Right now, the letter is being written by Sarah. Simple Past Sam repaired the car. The car was repaired by Sam.

7 Present Perfect Many tourists have visited that castle. That castle has been visited by many tourists. Future simple Many tourists will visit that castle. That castle will be visited by many tourists.

8 Complete the sentences(P.87)
They make Rolls Royce cars in Britain. Rolls Royce cars are made in Britain. Over 5 million people visit the Eiffel Tower every year. The Eiffel Tower is visited by over 5 million people every year. Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876. The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham bell in 1876.

9 Thieves stole the Scream by Edward Munch from a museum in Norway in 2004.
The Scream by Edward Munch was stolen from a museum in Norway in 2004. 5. They have sold a Van Gogh painting for 82 million. 5. A Van Gogh painting has been sold for 82 million. 6.More than 2000 people have climbed Mount Everest. 6. Mount Everest has been climbed by more than 2000 people.

10 7. BMW will produce 200000 Mini cars next year. 7
7. BMW will produce Mini cars next year Mini cars will be produced by BMW next year. 8. Did Leonardo Da Vinci invent the helicopter? 8. Was the helicopter invented by Leonardo Da Vinci. 9. Bell didn’t invent television. 9. Television wasn’t invented by Bell.

11 Verbs and Nouns that go together
(discover) a cure –the truth-gold-DNA (make) cars-a discovery-a phone call- 1,000 (tell) a story- the truth-a lie-a joke ( give) advice-a present-information-a lift (lose) weight-money-the way –the game (carry) an umbrella-a gun-passengers-a briefcase (keep) the peace-a diary-a secret-a promise (miss) the ball-the family-the bus-school-the way

12 Which verbs do they do with?
Invent Aspirin Do homework wear watch Say hello make a complaint. miss the bus. Lost way. have an idea

13 There are eight nouns tat do not go with the verbs in exercise 1
There are eight nouns tat do not go with the verbs in exercise 1. complete the sentences with the correct verbs. Aspirin was invented by the German chemist Felix Hoffman in 1897. I did my homework very quickly, then I went out. This is my father’s watch. He wore it every day until he died. Say hello to your parents from me when you see them. Are you the manager? We’d like to make a complaint. I was late for work because I missed the bus. I’m no good at reading maps so we completely lost our way. I’ve just had a really good idea! Do you want to hear it?

14 Reading And speaking Which of these are discoveries and which are inventions
The telephone Radium Television Penicillin The Internet The atom The electric light

15 Vocabulary p.90 verb Nouns Contain Weblink Dream Disease Borrow
Structure Be related to Result Commit (a crime) Company Search engine Cure cell

16 Answer the questions (90) DNA
Who made the discovery? Friedrich Miescher 2. How long did it take to develop? 84 years 3. Were there any problems in the beginning? Yes, other scientists thought it was too simple to be the map of human development. 4. What are important dates in its history? 1869(discovered), 1953( structure discovered) 1962 Nobel Prize,1986 DNA testing first used,1990 human Genome Project began, 2000 human Genome Project completed. 5. How useful is the discovery now? Give an example. Very .you can catch criminals with DNA testing. 6. What could happen with it in the future? We may be able to cure diseases, choose what babies look like, or pick the best person for a job.

17 Answer the questions (90) Google 1. Who made the invention
Answer the questions (90) Google 1. Who made the invention? Larry Page and Sergey Brin 2. How long did it take to develop? About 2 years 3. Were there any problems in the beginning? Yes. No body would give them money. 4. What are important dates in its history? (1995, page and Brin met) 1996 (decided to make a search engine, 1998 cheque for 100,00,2002(biggest search engine on Internet. 5. How useful is the invention now? Give an example. Very. You can find answers to questions very quickly. 6. What could happen with it in the future? All the world’s information might be on the Internet, so that you could find everything.

18 Everyday English (93) Match the notices with the places.
K a bank or a post office. C a petrol station B a broken drinks machine J a road in a town E an airport H the Underground I a park D a zoo F a hotel A a railway station G a public toilet L a motorway

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