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February 27, 2014.  Why do we use the CST as the foundation for discussing contemporary moral issues  1.) The CST is grounded in practical reality.

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Presentation on theme: "February 27, 2014.  Why do we use the CST as the foundation for discussing contemporary moral issues  1.) The CST is grounded in practical reality."— Presentation transcript:

1 February 27, 2014

2  Why do we use the CST as the foundation for discussing contemporary moral issues  1.) The CST is grounded in practical reality. It arises from the reality of peoples’ lives.  For example, Rerum Novarum(1891) came about as a response to what was going on in Europe with the industrial revolution and the rise of Marxism.

3  Pacem en Terris examined the world in the context of the Cold War.  Centesimus Annus examined the world after the fall of the Soviet Union  Authors had a “here and now” attitude about the response of the Church to a social issue, as it actually existed

4  2.) Principles apply to all people, not just Catholics  Principles are universally applied because they are understood philosophically and theologically.

5  3.) CST is not telling people what to do.  Church rarely produces a single, concrete teaching on social issues (exception is reproductive ethics).  Allows for Catholics (and non Catholics) the space to disagree as to how the principles of CST are applied

6  Three levels in social teaching:  Highest level is universal moral principle. This requires the assent of all and is morally binding on all.  The second level is formal Catholic teaching, which is binding only upon Catholics  The lowest level is application of universal principles upon specific ethical situations.  Can change or be interpreted differently by all people of good will.

7  All Christians are called to be “poor” in spirit, which is complete dependence on God.  Catholic Social Teaching gives preferential treatment to the most poor and vulnerable in society  Gives priority to the needs of the poor and addresses the unjust social structures that cause poverty

8  God identifies with those who are poor.  Jesus’ family had to search for shelter prior to his birth. He experienced the hunger and thirst of poverty.  Church recognizes that we are called to “active love” toward the poor by Christ.  We have responsibility to help the poor live full lives, as God intended, through the virtue of Justice

9  While 12 million American children suffer from hunger, the food wasted in the US could feed 49 million.  One out of five children in the US are poor.  Children are the most vulnerable group, in fact, the younger the child, the more likely you are to be poor. Therefore childhood poverty should be a priority.  Poverty deprives children of the things they need to make a better life.

10  From the Latin word paupentas. Most people associate it with the lack of means to provide for material needs or comforts (material poverty).  Other forms exist, such as poverty of the spirit, soul, or addiction.

11  Material Poverty is the lack of means to provide for material needs or comforts.  Causes an individual to lack one or more of the basic necessities for survival, such as nutritious food, safe drinking water, shelter, basic health care.  Caused by chronic unemployment or underemployment (below the living wage).

12  Depending on God for everything.  Begins with humility, the virtue that avoids extreme ambition and pride.  Those who are poor in spirit follow the example of Christ, who emptied himself for his people.  Calls us to share our time, talent and treasure with others, especially those in need.


14  Welfare reform of the mid 1990’s has shifted the responsibility to the States, limited the amount of people eligible and attempted to move people off welfare.  Private charity is insufficient to move people off poverty.  Helping requires a balance.  Helping would require goods and services to the most vulnerable, assisting people to be self sufficient and provide services to those in need.

15  Both Government and the private sector help with poverty.  Catholic social teaching requires that programs should be run at the local level to assure the most participation

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