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November 15, 2010 Camdenton R-III School District.

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1 November 15, 2010 Camdenton R-III School District

2  Every state has its own list of skills students should learn from kindergarten through high school.  The district’s Strategic Planning Committee, with parent input has recommended that we move all grades to standards-based reporting.  We already have standards-based grading in grades PK, K, 1 st and 2 nd Grades.

3  Lists the most important skills students should learn (Power Standards)  Instead of letter grades, students receive marks that show how well they have mastered the skills  Students receive separate marks for behavior, effort and work habits


5  Traditional – student receives one grade for each subject  Standards-based – subject areas divided into skills and students receive separate marks for each standard  Traditional – gives an average score  Standards-based – shows how student has progressed toward mastery

6  4: Goes beyond what was taught, uses in-depth inferences or applications  3: Exhibits no major gaps or errors in the learning goal as listed in the standard  2: Exhibits no major errors or gaps in the simpler details and processes  1: With help, has a partial understanding of the 2 content and some of the 3 content  0: Even with help, no understanding or skill demonstrated

7  Marzano suggests converting the final score to a traditional letter grade, as in the following chart: Standards ScoreTraditional Grade 3.0 – 4.0=A 2.50 – 2.99=B 2.0 – 2.49=C 1.50 – 1.99=D Below 1.50=F

8  Benefits to Students  All students are held to the same standards  Students can see what they need to do to reach the standards (clear targets)  Increased motivation due to goal setting, formative assessment and descriptive feedback  Benefits to Teachers  Focus on standards  Increases communication at and across grade levels  Allows and enhances differentiated instruction for all students  Benefits to Parents  Gives specific skill areas for parents to reinforce at home  Consistency across the grade levels  Clear communication with teachers

9  ▪ Power Standards for each grade ▪ Scoring rubrics for each Power Standard ▪ Kid-friendly objectives ▪ Deconstructed standards ▪ Standards-based Grade Card webpage ▪ Standards-based Grade Card survey

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