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LECTURE # 42. Features of incremental unidirectional, continuous, constant learning, at all or multiple levels of organization, converging or short term.

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Presentation on theme: "LECTURE # 42. Features of incremental unidirectional, continuous, constant learning, at all or multiple levels of organization, converging or short term."— Presentation transcript:

1 LECTURE # 42

2 Features of incremental unidirectional, continuous, constant learning, at all or multiple levels of organization, converging or short term. Features of Radical multi-directional, discontinuous, Periodic learning,at upper echelon of organization, frame breaking, long term etc. Synthesis of both Earlier we have studied Greiner’s model metamorphosis Momentum For long periods of relatively stable, slow and predictable organizational interspersed with short and intense periods of massive changes in momentum within the organization. Miller and Freisen long periods of the maintenance of a given configuration, punctuated by brief periods of multi faceted and concerted transition.

3 P-E Model of organizational change: 1. Fine tuning ongoing process of finding fit or match between strategy, structure, people and processes. 2. Incremental adjustment (Quinn's model) 3. Modular transformation major re-alignment of one or more departments or divisions. 4. Corporate transformation radical shift in strategy and revolutionary changes in whole organization.

4 The purpose of organization change is to move from one state to the desired state in different ways. The model was developed by Tushman & Romanelli argued that organization progress through convergent periods punctuated by re-orientations which demark and set bearings for the next convergent period. Convergent periods are relatively long spans of incremental change and adaptation, whereas reorientations are relatively short periods of radical discontinuous change. Change domains: 1.culture 2.strategy 3.structure 4.power structure 5.control system

5 Theory of P-E Model: - It enables predictions about patterns of fundamental organizational transformation. -The theory accounts for tension between forces of stability and change. -Organizations establish an initial pattern of activity based on the environmental conditions prevailing and managerial decisions made during their time of founding. -As a result of inertia and institutionalization organizations develop coherent systems of shared understandings that support continuation of the established patterns.

6 -According to P-E model radical and discontinuous change is necessary to break the inertia. Hypothesis 1: organization transformation will most frequently occur in short discontinuous way. Change involving most or all key domains of organization activity. P-E theorists suggests the interdependence of organizational sub-units and argue that organization must be constructed so as to ensure a complementary alignment among structural variables. The incremental view who emphasize the relative independence of organization subunits dealing incrementally and disjointedly with one problem and one goal at a time in short run reactionary manner.

7 Hypothesis 2: Small changes in individual domains of organizational activity will not accumulate incrementally to yield a fundamental transformation. How organizational transformation occurs? P- theorists believe resistance to change or organizational inertia can be broken through revolutionary transformation means and conditions

8 3: Major declines in the short term performance or sustained decline over several years will substantially increase the likely hood of revolutionary transformation. - Is this valid for public sector organization? 4: Major changes in environmental conditions will significantly increase the likelihood of revolutionary transformation 5: Installation of a new chief executive officer will significantly increase the likelihood of revolutionary transformation.

9 How to measure in the real life? - Fundamental organizational transformation occurred whenever there were substantial changes observed in the strategy, structure and power distribution domain of organizational activity

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