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New Ways to reach non-Christian Youths NECF Youth Net Consultation 26-28 September 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "New Ways to reach non-Christian Youths NECF Youth Net Consultation 26-28 September 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Ways to reach non-Christian Youths NECF Youth Net Consultation 26-28 September 2005

2 Who is this youth? Malcolm, male, of mixed Chinese & Indian parentage, speaks English. Attended National Primary School, went on to a private secondary school. Have close Malay, Indian and Chinese friends Have diverse interests including sports, music and the arts, knows the value of studies, exposed to the vices, have dial-up internet access. Age (13-16) (17-22)

3 Break into Groups of 4s (5 mins) In your group share the ways you have used to reach youths similar to him. – What worked? What didn’t? Share about the other ways you would like to use which you have not tried. Document your sharing on the flip chart, and have one person share with the whole group

4 Groups to share findings Post up flip chart on the wall, have each group to share in one minute each. You can ask each other questions to clarify.

5 Sub-cultures, niche groups Family Background – Religious, cultural, familial, generational, etc Educational Background – Vernacular / English Mission/ National / Co-ed, etc Affinity group – music, the arts, writing, Yum Cha, travelling, IT savvy, …… Income group – high / middle / low

6 Have you taken into account the 3 Learning Styles? 1. Visuallearn through seeing 2. Auditorylearn through listening 3. Kinestheticlearn through touching, moving, doing

7 Have you taken into account Multiple Intelligences? 1. Verbal-linguistic (“word smart”) 2. Logical-mathematical intelligence (number / reasoning smart”) 3. Visual-spatial intelligence (“picture smart”) 4. Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence (“body smart”) 5. Musical intelligence (“music smart”) 6. Interpersonal intelligence (“people smart”) 7. Intrapersonal intelligence (“self smart”) 8. Naturalist intelligence (“nature smart”) 9. Existential intelligence (“philosophy smart”) Taken from ‘Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, Howard Garner, Basic Books, 1983)

8 Philosophy of Disciple-Making PROCLAMATION  I HEAR  I FORGET DEMONSTRATION  I SEE  I REMEMBER EXPERIENCE  I DO  I UNDERSTAND INTEGRATION  I KNOW WHY  I COMMIT Helpful to think of categories: Academic, Progressive, or Situational Discipleship

9 Funnel of Evangelism Pre-evangelism Proclamation Demonstration Experiential Integration

10 Engel Scale Taken from ‘What’s Gone Wrong With The Harvest, James Engel, Zondervan Press, 1975 +1 Post-decision evaluation -2 DECISION TO ACT -4 Positive attitude toward Gospel -5 Grasp of implications of Gospel -6 Awareness of fundamentals of Gospel -7 Initial awareness of Gospel +2 Incorporation into Body +3 Conceptual and behavioral growth +4 Communion with God +5 Stewardship -8 Awareness of supreme being but no effective knowledge of Gospel -1 Repentance and new faith in Christ NEW BIRTH Reproduction … internally & externally -10 No awareness of a supreme being +10 Christ-likeness … eternity Rejection -3 Personal problem recognition

11 Darling’s Theory of Spiritual Development (adapted from Darling 1969) I. SALVATION II. CHILDHOOD III. ADOLESCENCE IV. ADULTHOOD Neurosis Surrender Psychosis Re-enslavement Regression Fixation 2. Confession of sin and/or failure 1. Assessment of weakness & inadequacies 5. Investment into lives of others 4. Appropriation of God’s resources 3. Affirmation of God’s love and forgiveness

12 Partnerships Ministry groups People who are on different scales

13 Funnel of Evangelism on Funnel of Discipleship The new convert is incorporated into a youth ministry or a para-church organisation. He still needs to hear, see, and experience authentic Christian living to integrate Christian values and character into his life.

14 How do we get started? New ways are to create opportunities for engagement, for “spiritual friendships” There’s still a need to start conversations, to learn how to listen, and to learn to engage on life issues. (deepening levels of communications needed) Young people reach other young people. How can we help them see the urgency and significance of the gospel?

15 Life models Bethany Youth Centre, Kuching Bandar Utama Chapel Asian Youth Ambassadors Bangsar Lutheran Church City Harvest KL

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