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Are Today’s Teachers SMART Enough? Harry Carley, Matsuyama University Ehime, Japan.

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Presentation on theme: "Are Today’s Teachers SMART Enough? Harry Carley, Matsuyama University Ehime, Japan."— Presentation transcript:


2 Are Today’s Teachers SMART Enough? Harry Carley, Matsuyama University Ehime, Japan

3 This presentation in virtual form along with its accompanying paper will discuss SMART (Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology) its implementation or lack thereof into current learning environments.

4 As technology changes and advances, more contemporary and motivating instructional methods need to be sought out and refined to keep pace with student interest.

5 Most specifically this presentation and paper will center on SMART technology and language education. Attempts at understanding the relationship between the two is ongoing.

6 In preparation for this presentation, a survey was given to classes of students studying English language over the course of the 2014 academic year. Total respondents equalled 130 students. For many questions, students were allowed to check more than one answer.

7 As a result of the survey it was discovered that almost 100% possessed or had ready access to SMART technology in the classroom or at home.

8 Survey results “Do you own a SMART phone?”

9 Regarding the usage of computers outside of our own class; “how often have you utilized a computer?” (laptop, box type)

10 This shows that amongst current university students computer usage for laptops or desktops outside of class is quite infrequent

11 “what type of devices are being utilized in other course work?”

12 Technological devices that students have access to in their home or apartment Note: Outside of the physical classroom most students had multiple accesses to Internet connected computing devices.

13 This was most often accomplished through student ownership of a SMART phone.

14 Overall, the conclusion of the survey showed that almost 100% of students had in their possession a SMART phone or other similar computing device. Internet connection was never lacking

15 How are university instructors utilizing this information into their lessons and courses?

16 How are you?

17 SMART phones allow for anywhere Internet access; if at home, school, or travelling somewhere in between.

18 Instructors meanwhile are aware of their student’s ownership and usage of SMART phones by their students constant twittering in class and lack of attention toward classroom activities

19 Although primary survey results were garnered from university students in English language classes, the overall theme of this presentation could be of interest to instructors at any level or subject.

20 Concluding question for students– “Do you believe the use of technology (Internet) increases your motivation to learn?

21 Not Surprisingly


23 98% said “yes” 2% said “no”

24 It is important to note that -- “Students want to learn in the classroom the same way that they interact outside of it”

25 The words ‘technology’ and ‘teaching’ seem like two words that should complement each other inside the confines of today’s instructional settings. For many instructors they are.

26 Unfortunately for a vast number of teachers these two words do not commend each other but in their opinions contend and contest with current educational norms.

27 While many of today’s faculty members are teaching like its 1999, students are coming to class technologically enhanced for the future.

28 In essence, learners of today are in some ways smarter and more in tune with today’s society than the lecturers that educate (?) them.

29 The days of students sitting and staring are gone while today’s classrooms can be as mutual influencing as the advisor deems necessary.

30 Today’s classroom is no longer confined to a physical room with a desk and chairs. Distance and open access learning mutually embody SMART technology.

31 Access and analysis are descriptive words for the virtual classroom of today.


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