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Mythology vocabulary By: Mrs. Baxter. Goddess A female God; a woman of extraordinary beauty and charm.

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Presentation on theme: "Mythology vocabulary By: Mrs. Baxter. Goddess A female God; a woman of extraordinary beauty and charm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mythology vocabulary By: Mrs. Baxter

2 Goddess A female God; a woman of extraordinary beauty and charm.

3 Hero Someone who is able to do the seemingly impossible

4 Quest A search or pursuit made in order to find or obtain something

5 Creature An imaginary being usually having various human and animal characteristics

6 Obstacle A thing that blocks one's way and prevents or hinders progress

7 Mortal Human that can die

8 Myth A story that people long ago invented to explain something in nature that was difficult to understand

9 Immortal Not mortal, can't die

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