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Astroimaging John Press. Astroimaging 1. Simple point and shoot cameras 2. DSLRs 3. Attaching to a telescope i.Mobile phone/point and shoot ii.DSLR iii.High.

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Presentation on theme: "Astroimaging John Press. Astroimaging 1. Simple point and shoot cameras 2. DSLRs 3. Attaching to a telescope i.Mobile phone/point and shoot ii.DSLR iii.High."— Presentation transcript:

1 Astroimaging John Press

2 Astroimaging 1. Simple point and shoot cameras 2. DSLRs 3. Attaching to a telescope i.Mobile phone/point and shoot ii.DSLR iii.High frame rate video

3 Astroimaging 1. Simple point and shoot cameras You don’t really need to have thousands of pounds worth of specialist equipment to shoot the sky.

4 Astroimaging 1. Simple point and shoot cameras

5 Astroimaging 1. Simple point and shoot cameras Limited to only bright objects Need a tripod Shutter delay Some change ISO Choose metering points

6 Astroimaging 2. DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) Interchangeable lenses. Control shutter exposure. Control ISO. Remote/programmable timers.

7 Astroimaging 2. DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex)

8 Astroimaging 2. DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex)

9 Astroimaging 3. Attaching to a telescope i. Mobile phone/point and shoot

10 Astroimaging 3. Attaching to a telescope ii. DSLRs

11 Astroimaging 3. Attaching to a telescope ii. DSLRs Here we have 2 options. Single shots <1 second for brighter objects. Single shot long exposure > 1 second – for this we need a motor driven mount that will track.

12 Astroimaging 3. Attaching to a telescope ii. DSLRs

13 Astroimaging 3. Attaching to a telescope iii. High frame rate video

14 Astroimaging 3. Attaching to a telescope iii. High frame rate video

15 Astroimaging 3. Attaching to a telescope iii. High frame rate video

16 Astroimaging 3. Attaching to a telescope iii. High frame rate video

17 Questions so far? ? ? ? ? ? ? Astroimaging

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