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ADD DATE HERE ADD TAG COMMITTEE MEMBERS’ NAMES HERE Talented and Gifted Programming in our school.

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Presentation on theme: "ADD DATE HERE ADD TAG COMMITTEE MEMBERS’ NAMES HERE Talented and Gifted Programming in our school."— Presentation transcript:

1 ADD DATE HERE ADD TAG COMMITTEE MEMBERS’ NAMES HERE Talented and Gifted Programming in our school

2 Bright ChildGifted Learner Knows the answersAsks the questions Is interestedIs highly curious Is attentiveIs mentally and physically involved Has good ideasHas wild, silly ideas Works hardPlays around, yet tests well Answers the questionsDiscusses in detail, elaborates In the top groupBeyond the group Listens with interestShows strong feelings and opinions Learns with easeAlready knows 6-8 repetitions for mastery1-2 repetitions for mastery Understands ideasConstructs abstractions Enjoys peersPrefers adults Grasps the meaningDraws inferences Completes assignmentsInitiates projects Is receptiveIs intense Copies accuratelyCreates a new design Enjoys schoolEnjoys learning Absorbs informationManipulates information TechnicianInventor Good memorizerGood guesser Enjoys straightforward, sequential presentationThrives on complexity Is alertIs keenly observant Is pleased with own learningIs self-critical Reference: Janice Szabos

3 Colorado Definition of Giftedness From Colorado Revised Statutes, 22-20-103-3.7 Gifted children means those persons between the ages of 5 and 21 whose abilities, talents, and potential for accomplishment are so outstanding that they require special provisions to meet their educational needs.

4 BVSD Definition of Giftedness Gifted and talented students are defined as those whose demonstrated or potential abilities are so outstanding that it becomes essential to provide them with qualitatively different educational programming. In the BVSD, these students are identified using multiple criteria. Programming for gifted and talented students will be designed to meet students’ cognitive and affective needs through opportunities for acceleration, complexity of thinking and in-depth learning.

5 Communication Identification Professional Development Social / Emotional (Affective) Programming Resources: NAGC and NMSA Program Standards Components of an Effective Talented and Gifted Program

6 Parents, students, and educators are informed about giftedness and gifted education. Communication:

7 What does communication look like at our school? Teachers are aware of their TAG students and their needs. Teachers and parents are involved in their school’s TAG committee work. Teachers and parents are involved in the creation of a TAG student’s Advanced Learning Plan (ALP) in K-12. Students are aware of programming options, strategies, enrichment activities, and postsecondary options, including alternative pathways. The TAG Educational Advisor (TEA) clearly communicates with parents, students, and teachers regarding: identification procedures; professional development opportunities; social/ emotional support; programming services.

8 The BVSD identification process is followed in order to identify students with demonstrated or potential high abilities. Identification

9 What does Identification look like at our school? Key components of the BVSD process include: gathering of a body of evidence using multiple criteria; parent notification within ten weeks of the nomination; grade level screening to ensure equitable access to appropriate programming. The TAG student population reflects the school’s overall demographic population. Identification decisions are made collaboratively.

10 TAG students are served by professionals who have specialized knowledge in gifted education including the academic and affective needs of gifted learners. Professional Development

11 What does Professional Development look like at our school? TAG students are served by professionals who have specialized knowledge in gifted education including the academic and affective needs of gifted learners. The TEA attends professional development meetings and regularly communicates information to school staff. All staff is made aware of: the nature and needs of gifted students; advanced curricula differentiation for high ability learners Staff attends professional development activities and conferences specific to gifted learners. Staff utilizes the Study Group Grants funded through Advanced Academic Services. Staff utilizes TAG resources on site and at the district level.

12 Schools offer TAG students programming and support for their affective needs. Social/ Emotional

13 What does Social/Emotional Support look like at our school? TAG students receive guidance and counseling from a trained professional who is familiar with the characteristics and affective needs of gifted learners. A trained professional provides TAG students with academic planning for access to advanced and postsecondary options including alternative pathways. TAG students participate in an affective group led by a trained professional who is familiar with the characteristics and affective needs of gifted learners. Information about Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted (SENG) groups is offered to parents of TAG students.

14 All TAG students receive and have documented programming appropriate for their needs. Ongoing assessments ensure that each student receives appropriately challenging instruction. Programming

15 What does Programming look like at our school? All gifted students have equitable access to gifted programming services including: Advanced classes Acceleration Differentiated curriculum Flexible grouping of gifted learners Student needs and services are documented in an ALP. Staff utilizes the Super Saturdays and Sometimes Grants funded through Advanced Academic Services. Students have access to extra-curricular and co-curricular enrichment activities.

16 What are your questions about talented and gifted programming at our school? What are our next steps as a staff? Questions? Next steps?

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