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Video Earth's Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Video Earth's Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Video Earth's Systems

2 The Earth is made up of four main interacting 
systems, which are sometimes called spheres
Hydrosphere Atmosphere Geosphere Biosphere

3 The systems interact with one another by exchanging energy and matter.
These interactions have resulted in the Earth changing. These changes usually take a very long time to progress.

4 The Atmosphere

5 The Atmosphere The atmosphere is just a...
thin layer of different gases that surrounds Earth Mostly made up of Nitrogen 
(78%) 21% Oxygen 1% Other gases (Argon, CO2, 
Water vapor, etc.)

6 The Biosphere

7 This is where all the bugs, animals, plants, fungi, etc. live.
The Biosphere The biosphere includes any part of the Earth where there are 
living things. This is where all the bugs, 
animals, plants, fungi, etc. live. It extends from the crust of the 
Earth to the atmosphere, 
including deep into the oceans.

8 The Geosphere

9 The Geosphere The geosphere includes the Earth's interior, rocks and 
minerals, landforms and the processes that shape the Earth's 
surface. The lithosphere is the outermost 
layer of the geosphere Processes include continental 
drift, volcanoes, and earthquakes

10 The Hydrosphere

11 Clouds, ice, oceans, water vapor, etc.
The Hydrosphere The hydrosphere includes all of the water on or near the 
surface of Earth. Clouds, ice, oceans, water vapor, etc. Cryosphere is the frozen part of the 

12 REMEMBER! These systems interact with each other!
What exactly is an interaction? The processes that move matter and energy 
from one sphere to another

13 Biosphere Interactions Atmosphere Geosphere (Includes Lithosphere)
Hydrosphere (Includes 

14 Interactions Atmosphere Biosphere Geosphere (Includes 
Lithosphere) Hydrosphere (Includes 
Cryosphere) Biosphere

15 Interactions Atmosphere Biosphere Geosphere (Includes 
Lithosphere) Hydrosphere (Includes 
Cryosphere) Geosphere (Includes 

16 Hydrosphere (Includes Cryosphere) Interactions Atmosphere Biosphere
Geosphere (Includes 
Lithosphere) Hydrosphere (Includes 
Cryosphere) Hydrosphere (Includes Cryosphere)

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