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Pyogenic Liver Abscess 소화기내과 R4 신아리 1 2012.5.25 MGR Disease Review.

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1 Pyogenic Liver Abscess 소화기내과 R4 신아리 1 2012.5.25 MGR Disease Review

2 Pyogenic Liver Abscess - Pus-filled cavity within the liver 2 Introduction Harrison 18th Ch127, page 1081-1082

3 Epidemiology – Annual incidence 3 Emerg Infect Dis (2008) 14, 1592~-1600 Am J Gastroenterol (2010) 105, 117~124

4 Liver Abscess In KMC Patients diagnosed with liver abscess in KMC - From 2001.1 to 2011.12.31 - Mean age : 59.7 yrs, Sex : M(150) / F(154) - Incidence per years

5 Pathogenesis 5 1. 임상우, et al. 대한소화기학회지 2003;42:226-231 2. 나병규, et al. 대한간학회지 2003;9:275-283 3. 서태진, et al. 대한내과학회지 2005;68:26-38 Route of hepatic invasion StudyBiliaryPortal veiin Hepatic artery Direct extension TraumaCryptogenic 2003 대구 1 45 %-3 %4 %2 %46 % 2003 대전 2 21.3 %0 %3 %1 %-74.5 % 2005 광주 3 45.8 %5.2 %4 %0.5 %1.5 %45.5 % * Associated with DM : 14.9 ~ 31.7%

6 Microbiology 6 Journal of infection, (2007) 54, 578-583 대한소화기학회지, (2010) 56, 90-96

7 Microbiology 7 Journal of infection, (2007) 54, 578-583 Metastatic infection at Distant sites septic pneumonia (m/c) meningitis endophthalmitis skin and subcut. tissue infection renal or prostatic abscess cerebral abscess septic arthritis lung abscess

8 8 Clinical Manifestations 대한 소화기학회지, (2010) 56, 90-96

9 9 Diagnosis Symptoms - fever, jaundice, abdominal pain or discomfort Non-specific symptoms Laboratory finding - Leukocytosis : 84~88% - Alkaline phosphatase : about 2/3 - Bilirubin, AST/ALT Radiographic imaging : Abdomen CT or Sono Microbial cultures - Blood and CT or US-guided aspiration or drainage Harrison 18th Ch127, page 1081-1082

10 Abdomen Ultrasonography Diagnosis 대한방사선의학회지, (2001) 44, 69-75 AB C D

11 Contrast-enhanced Abdomen CT Diagnosis J Korean Radiol Soc, (2005) 53, 343-352 AB C D

12 Cholangiocarcinoma Differential Diagnosis J Korean Radiol Soc, (2005) 53, 343-352 AB C D

13 13 Differential Diagnosis Amebic Liver abscess - Classically single large abscess in the right lobe - Near-complete overlap in symptomatology - Serology test sensitivity : about 95% highly specific for E. histolytica infection thus, a negative result helps to exclude this diagnosis Harrison 18th Ch129, page 1091-1094

14 Treatment Antibiotics therapy - Empirical broad-spectrum antibiotics - Consider results of culture study Drainage - Radiographically guided percutaneous drainage - Surgical drainage Harrison 18th Ch127, page 1081-1082 1) Multiple or Loculated abscesses 2) Abscesses with viscous contents obstructing drainage catheter 3) Inadequate response to percutaneous drainage within 7 days 3 rd Cephalosporin + Metronidazole or Fluoroquinolone + Metronidazole

15 Follow Up Duration of therapy - Antibiotics : 4~6 weeks - Drainage cath : remain in place until drainage is minimal Indicators to follow up - Clinical & chemical markers : temperature, WBC count, CRP - Follow up image study Ix - persistent clinical symptoms - drainage is not proceeding as expected Harrison 18th Ch127, page 1081-1082

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