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DO NOW 1.Get out your macromolecules lab. 1.Explain the difference between Benedict’s and Biuret’s solution.

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW 1.Get out your macromolecules lab. 1.Explain the difference between Benedict’s and Biuret’s solution."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW 1.Get out your macromolecules lab. 1.Explain the difference between Benedict’s and Biuret’s solution.

2 Products are made by a chemical reaction. Reactants are changed during a chemical reaction. Reactants Products Chemical Reaction Occurs when bonds are broken or formed to create a new substance


4 Chemical reactions release or absorb energy. Activation energy is the amount of energy that needs to be absorbed to start a chemical reaction.

5 Bond energy is the amount of energy that breaks a bond. –Energy is added to break bonds. –Energy is released when bonds form.

6 Exothermic reactions release more energy than they absorb.

7 Endothermic reactions absorb more energy than they release.

8 Metabolism Sum of all chemical reactions in living things

9 Cells regulate chemical reactions through the use of proteins called ENZYMES

10 Characteristics of Enzymes #1 Enzymes are BIOLOGICAL CATALYSTS WHAT??????

11 What is a Catalyst? Catalysts speed up chemical reactions Ex: What do you do to help sugar dissolve faster in tea?

12 Example of Enzymes as Catalysts

13 Enzymes and Reactions

14 Characteristics of Enzymes #2 Enzymes are site specific One enzyme = One job

15 How Enzymes Work*

16 What does this have to do with ME????? Who cares about enzymes?

17 Lactose is a Disaccharide (2 sugars) found in milk

18 Lactase is an enzyme that breaks down lactose

19 What does lactose get broken down into by lactase?

20 Fill in the following terms into the enzyme diagram below: Lactase Glucose Lactose Galactose

21 What’s happening in us?

22 What is Lactose Intolerance? Lactase is not present to break down the lactose. The sugar just builds up inside.

23 What’s happening in us?

24 Effects of Lactose Intolerance* Bloating, Pain/Cramps in Belly, Noise in Belly, Gas, Diarrhea

25 Lactose Intolerance Worldwide

26 Lactose Intolerance in Ethnic Groups

27 What to do if you are Lactose Intolerant?

28 Wake-up 1.Identify A, B, C, D, and E using the following terms: product, enzyme, substrate, enzyme-substrate complex 1.Explain a Biological Catalyst.

29 Environmental Effects on Enzymes 1.Temperature* High Temperatures can denature enzymes Denature means lose shape (active site).



32 Environmental Effects on Enzymes 1.Temperature Low Temperatures cause enzymes to move slowly Decreasing enzyme activity


34 Environmental Effects on Enzymes 1.pH Dramatic changes in the pH of a solution can denature an enzyme Decreasing enzyme activity

35 Digestion Nerves DigestionPapaya’s

36 Liver Lab: Formula H 2 O 2 H 2 O + O 2 Hydrogen peroxideWaterOxygen Catalase: Liver

37 Label the following in diagram

38 What will happen when Hydrogen Peroxide is added to Liver?

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