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Unit 9 The U.S. government and its citizens believed that the nation’s “destiny” or fate was to expand westward from sea to sea.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 9 The U.S. government and its citizens believed that the nation’s “destiny” or fate was to expand westward from sea to sea."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 9 The U.S. government and its citizens believed that the nation’s “destiny” or fate was to expand westward from sea to sea.

2 The Treaty of Paris had given the United States lands west to the Mississippi and north to Canada.

3 * Orderly procedure for establishing territories and applying for statehood. * As a territory grew in population it gained rights to self-government * At least 5,000 men who owned at least 50 acres * 60,000 people must live there to apply for statehood.

4 * The Louisiana Purchase spurred the desire to move west across the country.

5 * Economic – * New land for farmers * New trade routes and markets (Santa Fe Trail) * New opportunities to start a business * Political – * Expansion of our nation’s borders/territory * Expansion of slavery * Social – * Remove Native Americans * Refuge for persecuted groups (Mormons)

6 “American Progress” by John Gast 1872

7 Westward the Course of Empire Takes its Way – by Emanueal Leutze 1861


9 * The new Mexican republic (free from Spain) wanted to draw more people to Texas * Settlers were promised land * These settlers outnumbered Tejanos and often ignored Mexican laws (slavery had been outlawed by Spain in 1652) * Texas revolution began in 1835 * Texas won its independence, but independence was not recognized by Mexico * In 1837 Texas asked the U.S. to annex it – Jackson and Van Buren worried because it supported slavery * New land became a worry to several presidents * John Tyler supported annexation, but did not win re- election


11 * Rumors of rich farmland, forests, rivers full of fish and a good climate drew many settlers to the West. * It was a long hard journey by wagon train, but many Americans journeyed west.

12 * The discovery of gold in California sparked a massive immigration to that area

13 * The rush of settlers pushed many American Indians off their lands * The population of California quickly rises to the amount required for statehood * California’s proximity to the Pacific Ocean led to an increase of Asian immigrants as well Native Americans attacked mining outposts and towns San Francisco 1850

14 * Settlers had many reasons for heading west. * Some moved for a better way of life – more land – freedom from cities * Some moved due to religious persecution (Joseph Smith - Mormons moved to Utah) * Due to the Second Great Awakening – many missionaries moved west to try to convert Native Americans to Christianity


16 * In the early 1800s Oregon was occupied by American Indians * Great Britain, Russia, Spain and the U.S. all had claims in this land * 1819 – Adams-Onis Treaty – Spain gave up lands beyond the northern border of what is now California * 1824 – Russia signed a treaty with the U.S. * Many Americans had moved to this land and desired statehood * 1846 – U.S. and Great Britain signed the Oregon Treaty – this set the boundary between the U.S. and Canada

17 * President Polk quickly set out to acquire new lands. He had a great desire to expand the U.S. * Texas Congress approved the annexation of Texas in 1845 and it became the 28 th state. * This angered the Mexican government * They considered Texas a “stolen province”

18 * The border of Texas was heavily disputed between Mexico and the U.S. * President Polk sent out General Zachary Taylor with troops to the border to protect from a possible attack * Polk sent diplomats to Mexico City, to see about the border and offer to pay for California, but they refused to meet with them. * A Mexican commander insisted General Taylor remove his troops – Taylor refused * Mexican soldiers attacked, killed 11 Americans, wounded 5, captured the rest * Two days later, Congress declared war * This was considered a “War of Aggression” by many Americans


20 * U.S. asked for volunteers to fight – got more than needed * First war fought on foreign soil * Americans fought several battles and won the majority * U.S. finally captured the Mexican capital

21 * This ended the war * The treaty called for the United States to pay $15 million to Mexico and pay off the claims of American citizens against Mexico * Grants the U.S. the Mexican territory of New Mexico, Arizona and California

22 * The boom of California and the economy of the East required transportation to and from. * The Rocky Mountains were a barrier to travel * This building of railroads made travel and trade easier from East to West * In order to avoid mountains, the government was considering swinging a railroad down into Mexican territory.

23 * Territory for a railroad was purchased for $10 million * This fixed the southern border of the U.S. * This also opened up a warmer, southern route to the west.

24 * Westward expansion of the U.S. made many new cities and expanded old cities * Many immigrants from East to West and even other countries contributed to the customs of our country


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