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The Age of Enlightenment 1700s – 1800s. The Age of Enlightenment The Enlightenment, a philosophical movement beginning in France that advocated reason.

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Presentation on theme: "The Age of Enlightenment 1700s – 1800s. The Age of Enlightenment The Enlightenment, a philosophical movement beginning in France that advocated reason."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Age of Enlightenment 1700s – 1800s

2 The Age of Enlightenment The Enlightenment, a philosophical movement beginning in France that advocated reason and logic as the basis of authority and all decisions and using reason and logic to solve social problems.

3 The Age of Enlightenment Many of the United States’ Founding Fathers were heavily influenced by Enlightenment-era ideas: (1600s – 1800s) Particularly in the religious sphere (separation of church and state). And in the political sphere (a major influence on the U.S. Bill of Rights)

4 Philosophers Enlightenment philosophers who met to discuss reason, logic, rationale, and how to solve social problems. They were against Divine Right (God appointed) and believed the people are the source of government’s power. They also believed in using the scientific method to solve social problems. They met in underground clubs called Salons.

5 Queen Elizabeth I (“The Virgin Queen”) 1533 – 1603 Was Queen of England. Was the most powerful Queen in European History. She believed in Divine Rights.

6 Queen Elizabeth I (“The Virgin Queen”) Believed in Divine Right but believed her subjects were like her children and she had to take care of them. Never got married or had children: this challenged the popular belief that women had to marry. She settled decades-long religious tension in England (Catholics vs. Protestants) The Philosophers saw her as an inspiration to other monarchs: be an Enlightened ruler.

7 Why were the Philosophers so angry? King Louis XIV (“The Sun King”) Divine Right: Believe God anointed him king so he was only responsible to answer to God, not to his subjects. Ruled France as an absolute monarch in control of every aspect of every French citizen’s life. Believed his entire kingdom revolved solely around him: called himself “The Sun King.”

8 King Louis XIV (“The Sun King”) Lived a lavish life funded by heavy taxes on most of his subjects. Most of his subjects lived in poverty with barely enough to eat. Shows how out of touch and insincere King Louis XIV was towards his subjects.

9 Jean Jacque Rousseau Swiss Philosopher 1712 – 1778 Wrote The Social Contract in 1762

10 Rousseau’s Beliefs Humans were naturally good and corrupted by society, not the other way around. Society forces people to compete bringing out the worst in people. Government forces people to distrust each other and takes freedoms away. Modern technology made people too dependent on one another. Dependency created inequality, social classes, and division.

11 Baron Montesquieu 1689-1755 French Philosopher Believed government’s power needs to be checked (to keep them from having too much power.

12 Baron Montesquieu Believed in 3 types of governments: Monarchies: ruled by a king/queen guided by honor. Republics: ruled by elected officials guided by virtue. Despotisms: ruled by absolute dictators guided by fear.

13 Montesquieu’s Beliefs Heavily influenced America’s founding fathers 1770’s – 1780’s. 3 Branches of Government included in US Constitution Separation of Powers Power in government had to be divided between different branches. Checks and balances are necessary to keep one branch from becoming too powerful. The people needed safeguards from government becoming too powerful.

14 John Locke 1632 – 1704 British Philosopher Believed all people were born with 3 natural rights. Life, Liberty, Property

15 Locke’s Beliefs People are born with minds as a blank slate to be filled up; not naturally good or bad. It was human nature to want to figure things out and to want to make sense of the world around you. Humans were reasonable creatures capable of figuring out anything.

16 Locke’s 3 Natural Rights Locke’s Natural Rights heavily influenced America’s founders. Natural Rights included in US Declaration of Independence (Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness)

17 Mary Wollstonecraft 1759 – 1797 British philosopher, author, and feminist.

18 Mary Wollstonecraft 1792 wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Women, which argued: Women are not naturally inferior to men; they just suffer from lack of educational opportunities. Men and women should be treated as equal beings. Social order should be determined by reason (usefulness) not by gender, race, wealth, etc.

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