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Catholic Beliefs Unit One Lesson 4 Faith More than Conviction.

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1 Catholic Beliefs Unit One Lesson 4 Faith More than Conviction

2 Faith is more than just conviction or belief in Jesus; it also involves trust and discipleship. 90% of Americans believe in God, but it is taking the next step that is difficult. “Faith is like a dark tunnel: God gives us the Light to take one step at a time. The Light is not given to see the end of the tunnel.” – Father Walter Ciszek Blindfold game Simple. Not Easy.

3 Luke 9:57-62 – What is your reaction to Jesus’ response to those who want to take care of a things before they follow him? – If Jesus were with you in body right now and said “Follow me,” what would your response be? Luke 18:18-25 – Put yourself in the shoes of the rich ruler from this passage. Could you part with such a treasure? Embrace the Truth

4 The Church can be weakened by individuals whose words and deeds are contrary to the Gospel. Sometimes people use the sin of others as an excuse to reject Jesus. The message of Jesus is entrusted to human beings who at times are weak and sinful, as well as strong and good. Fighting for Faith

5 Because we were created by God, in his image and likeness (Genesis 1:26-27), each person has a specialness or integrity that is often referred to as human dignity. Believing is a human act, conscious and free, corresponding to the dignity of the human person. We have help from the Holy Spirit and the Church when we respond to the faith God has given us. clips/rango/believe-in-something clips/rango/believe-in-something Faith and Freedom

6 If the Church did not include sinners as well as saints, she would be untrue to her mission. God understand the struggle to live as a disciple and wants to help. – “I believe; help my unbelief!” – Mark 9:24 The Holy Spirit is here to guide us through the obstacles of faith. We are All Called

7 Religion is intended to help people live their faith. Adoring God, praying and worshipping him, and fulfilling promises to God are all part of religion. Religion is not the same thing as faith, but one of the ways faith makes itself known. It reinforces our faith. Community of Faith – “The Church’s faith precedes, engenders, supports, and nourishes our faith.” Religion and Faith

8 Religion is our set of beliefs, practices, and values that binds us in a relationship with God and other believers. Faith is personal (“I believe”), but it is also communal— something we share with a community of believers, as part of the Church. Religion and Faith

9 Religion: The Catholic Church Faith: Praying to God

10 They both set an example for us about saying “yes” to God and doing his will in our lives. Two important models of faith for us are Abraham from the Old Testament and Mary from the New.

11 How can someone be a believer but not a disciple? What’s the difference between the two? Make a chart with two columns: Write “Believer” over one column and “Disciple” over the other. In the Believer column list the characteristic of someone who simply but truly believes in God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then in the Disciple column, list the characteristics of someone who is both a believer and a disciple. Post to OneNote – Homework – call page Believer vs. Disciple Homework: Distinguish from Believer to Disciple

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