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Converting Regular Expressions to NFAs Empty string   is a regular expression denoting  {  } a is a regular expression denoting {a} for any a in 

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1 Converting Regular Expressions to NFAs Empty string   is a regular expression denoting  {  } a is a regular expression denoting {a} for any a in  i  f start i a f Thompson’s Construction

2 Converting Regular Expressions to NFAs If P and Q are regular expressions with NFAs  N p, N q : P | Q (union) PQ (concatenation) NpNp NqNq if    start NqNq NpNp i f

3 Converting Regular Expressions to NFAs If Q is a regular expression with NFA N q : Q* (closure)  NqNq f  i start  

4 Example (ab* | a*b)* Starting with: 43 a*b b a start ab* 12 a b start 12 a 43 56 ab* | a*b     a b b start

5 Example (ab* | a*b)* 12 a 43 56 ab* | a*b     a b b start 12 a 43 56 (ab* | a*b)* 78        b b a start

6 Properties of Construction 1.N(r) has #of states  2*(#symbols + #operators) of r 2.N(r) has exactly one start and one accepting state 3.Each state of N(r) has at most one outgoing edge a  or at most two outgoing  -transition Let r be a regular expression, with NFA N(r), then

7 Detailed Example r 13 r 12 r5r5 r3r3 r 11 r4r4 r9r9 r 10 r8r8 r7r7 r6r6 r0r0 r1r1 r2r2 b * c a a | ( ) b | * c (ab*c) | (a(b|c*)) Parse Tree for this regular expression: What is the NFA? Let’s construct it !

8 Detailed Example – Construction(1) r3:r3: a r0:r0: b r2:r2: c b     r1:r1:r 4 : r 1 r 2 b     c r 5 : r 3 r 4 b     ac (ab*c) | (a(b|c*))

9 Detailed Example – Construction(2) r 11 : a r7:r7: b r6:r6: c c     r 9 : r 7 | r 8   b r 10 : r 9 c     r8:r8: c     r 12 : r 11 r 10   b a   (ab*c) | (a(b|c*))

10 Detailed Example – Final Step r 13 : r 5 | r 12 b     ac c       b a    1 6543 8 2 10 9121314 11 15 7 16 17 

11 Converting NFAs to DFAs (subset construction) Idea: Each state in the new DFA will correspond to some set of states from the NFA. The DFA will be in state {s 0,s 1,…} after input if the NFA could be in any of these states for the same input. Input: NFA N with state set S N, alphabet , start state s N, final states F N, transition function T N : S N x {  U  }  S N Output: DFA D with state set S D, alphabet , start state s D =  -closure(s N ), final states F D, transition function T D : S D x   S D

12 Terminology:  -closure  -closure(T) = T + all NFA states reachable from any state in T using only  transitions. 1 5 2 43 b  a  b b a  -closure({1,2,5}) = {1,2,5}  -closure({4}) = {1,4}  -closure({3}) = {1,3,4}  -closure({3,5}) = {1,3,4,5}

13 Illustrating Conversion – An Example First we calculate:  -closure(0) (i.e., state 0)  -closure(0) = {0, 1, 2, 4, 7} (all states reachable from 0 on  -moves) Let A={0, 1, 2, 4, 7} be a state of new DFA, D. 01 23 54 6789 10         a a b b b start Start with NFA: (a | b)*abb 

14 Conversion Example – continued (1) b :  -closure(move(A,b)) =  -closure(move({0,1,2,4,7},b)) adds {5} ( since move(4,b)=5) From this we have :  -closure({5}) = {1,2,4,5,6,7} (since 5  6  1  4, 6  7, and 1  2 all by  -moves) Let C={1,2,4,5,6,7} be a new state. Define Dtran[A,b] = C. 2 nd, we calculate : a :  -closure(move(A,a)) and b :  -closure(move(A,b)) a :  -closure(move(A,a)) =  -closure(move({0,1,2,4,7},a))} adds {3,8} ( since move(2,a)=3 and move(7,a)=8) From this we have :  -closure({3,8}) = {1,2,3,4,6,7,8} (since 3  6  1  4, 6  7, and 1  2 all by  -moves) Let B={1,2,3,4,6,7,8} be a new state. Define Dtran[A,a] = B.

15 Conversion Example – continued (2) 3 rd, we calculate for state B on {a,b} a :  -closure(move(B,a)) =  -closure(move({1,2,3,4,6,7,8},a))} = {1,2,3,4,6,7,8} = B Define Dtran[B,a] = B. b :  -closure(move(B,b)) =  -closure(move({1,2,3,4,6,7,8},b))} = {1,2,4,5,6,7,9} = D Define Dtran[B,b] = D. 4 th, we calculate for state C on {a,b} a :  -closure(move(C,a)) =  -closure(move({1,2,4,5,6,7},a))} = {1,2,3,4,6,7,8} = B Define Dtran[C,a] = B. b :  -closure(move(C,b)) =  -closure(move({1,2,4,5,6,7},b))} = {1,2,4,5,6,7} = C Define Dtran[C,b] = C.

16 Conversion Example – continued (3) 5 th, we calculate for state D on {a,b} a :  -closure(move(D,a)) =  -closure(move({1,2,4,5,6,7,9},a))} = {1,2,3,4,6,7,8} = B Define Dtran[D,a] = B. b :  -closure(move(D,b)) =  -closure(move({1,2,4,5,6,7,9},b))} = {1,2,4,5,6,7,10} = E Define Dtran[D,b] = E. Finally, we calculate for state E on {a,b} a :  -closure(move(E,a)) =  -closure(move({1,2,4,5,6,7,10},a))} = {1,2,3,4,6,7,8} = B Define Dtran[E,a] = B. b :  -closure(move(E,b)) =  -closure(move({1,2,4,5,6,7,10},b))} = {1,2,4,5,6,7} = C Define Dtran[E,b] = C.

17 Conversion Example – continued (4) Dstates Input Symbol ab A B C B B D C B C E B C D B E A C BDE startbb b b b a a a a This gives the transition table Dtran for the DFA of:

18 Algorithm For Subset Construction push all states in T onto stack; initialize  -closure(T) to T; while stack is not empty do begin pop t, the top element, off the stack; for each state u with edge from t to u labeled  do if u is not in  -closure(T) do begin add u to  -closure(T) ; push u onto stack end computing the  -closure

19 Algorithm For Subset Construction – (2) initially,  -closure(s 0 ) is only (unmarked) state in Dstates; while there is unmarked state T in Dstates do begin mark T; for each input symbol a do begin U :=  -closure(move(T,a)); if U is not in Dstates then add U as an unmarked state to Dstates; Dtran[T,a] := U end

20 Example 2: Subset Construction NFA 1 5 2 43  b a b a,b start NFA N with State set S N = {1,2,3,4,5}, Alphabet  = {a,b} Start state s N =1, Final states F N ={5}, Transition function T N : S N x {    }  S N ab  13-2 255, 4- 3-4- 455- 5---

21 Example 2: Subset Construction NFA 1,2 T  -closure(move(T, a))  -closure(move(T, b)) {1,2} 1 5 2 43  b a b a,b start

22 Example 2: Subset Construction NFA 1,24,5 3,5 b a T  -closure(move(T, a))  -closure(move(T, b)) {1,2}{3,5}{4,5} {3,5} {4,5} 1 5 2 43  b a b a,b start

23 Example 2: Subset Construction 1 5 2 43  b a b a,b NFA 1,24,5 3,54 b a b T  -closure(move(T, a))  -closure(move(T, b)) {1,2}{3,5}{4,5} {3,5}-{4} {4,5} {4} start

24 Example 2: Subset Construction 1 5 2 43  b a b a,b NFA 1,24,55 3,54 a,bb a b T  -closure(move(T, a))  -closure(move(T, b)) {1,2}{3,5}{4,5} {3,5}-{4} {4,5}{5} {4} {5} start

25 Example 2: Subset Construction 1 5 2 43  b a b a,b NFA 1,24,55 3,54 a,b b a b T  -closure(move(T, a))  -closure(move(T, b)) {1,2}{3,5}{4,5} {3,5}-{4} {4,5}{5} {4}{5} -- start

26 Example 2: Subset Construction 1 5 2 43  b a b a,b NFA T  -closure(move(T, a))  -closure(move(T, b)) {1,2}{3,5}{4,5} {3,5}-{4} {4,5}{5} {4}{5} {5}{5}-- All final states since the NFA final state is included start 1,24,55 3,54 a,b b a b start

27 Example 3: Subset Construction 1 5 2 43 b  a b b a NFA  start

28 Example 3: Subset Construction 1 5 2 43 b  a b b a 1 1,3,4 2 1,4,5 a b b NFADFA  1,3, 4,5 a a a b b b start

29 Example 4: Subset Construction 12 54  b  1,2,4 NFADFA a b a 5 3,43,5 4 3 3 b b a b a b b a start

30 Converting DFAs to REs 1.Combine serial links by concatenation 2.Combine parallel links by alternation 3.Remove self-loops by Kleene closure 4.Select a node (other than initial or final) for removal. Replace it with a set of equivalent links whose path expressions correspond to the in and out links 5.Repeat steps 1-4 until the graph consists of a single link between the entry and exit nodes.

31 Example 12345 67 d a b c d 0 da d b b c 12345 67 da|b|cd 0 da d b b|c parallel edges become alternation start a b c

32 Example 345 d (a|b|c) d d 0 a b (b|c) d 12345 67 da|b|cd 0 da d b b|c serial edges become concatenation start

33 Example 345 d (a|b|c) d d 0 a b (b|c) d 345 d (a|b|c) d d 0 a b(b|c)da Find paths that can be “shortened” start

34 Example 345 d (a|b|c) d d 0 a b(b|c)da 345 d (a|b|c) d (b(b|c)da)*d 0 a 5 d (a|b|c) d(b(b|c)da)*d 0 a eliminate self-loops serial edges become concatenation start

35 Relationship among RE, NFA, DFA The set of strings recognized by an NFA can be described by a Regular Expression. The set of strings described by a Regular Expression can be recognized by an NFA. The set of strings recognized by an DFA can be described by a Regular Expression. The set of strings described by a Regular Expression can be recognized by an DFA. DFAs, NFAs, and Regular Expressions all have the same “power”. They describe “Regular Sets” (“Regular Languages”) The DFA may have a lot more states than the NFA.

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