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 Ethology = the study of animal behavior  Behavior = a response to a stimulus.

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2  Ethology = the study of animal behavior


4  Behavior = a response to a stimulus

5  Innate Behavior ◦ “ in born” ◦ Determined genetically ◦ it is predictable ◦ aides in survival and reproduction  2 types ◦ Reflex ◦ Instinct

6  Simplest type of innate behavior  A response determined by a fixed pathway in the nervous system

7 Hand on a hot stove Eyes blinking

8 Pupils dilating Knee jerk reflex

9  Complex innate behavior  Performed perfectly without learning



12  Instincts that are repeated on a 24 hour basis  Example – Activity periods ◦ Nocturnal ◦ Diurnal ◦ Crepuscular (low light)

13  Learned Behavior ◦ When an animal’s experience results in a change of behavior.  5 types ◦ Insight ◦ Imprinting ◦ Habituation ◦ Classical Conditioning ◦ Operant Conditioning

14 1. More often in animals with a complex nervous system 2. More often in animals with a longer life span 3. More often in animals with a lot of parental care 4. Is adaptable and offers a great potential for changing behavior

15  Reasoning or rational thinking  Ability to solve an unfamiliar problem without benefit of trial and error  Example – chimpanzees with boxes and hanging bananas Watch a pigeon do it!! =mDntbGRPeEU

16  Occurs in young animals  Animal forms strong social attachment to an organism soon after hatching  Rapid and irreversible – “Critical Period”  Konrad Lorenz and Geese

17  Animal learns NOT to perform a certain behavior  After a period of exposure to stimulus, an animal stops responding  Examples ◦ Prairie Dog towns near human trails (don’t “cry wolf”) ◦ Living and sleeping near train tracks

18  A response to a stimulus that would normally not cause such a response  Example ◦ Ivan Pavlov and dogs  Salivation Reflex (bell -> food)

19  If a behavior is followed by a reward (reinforcement), the animal is more likely to repeat that behavior  B.F. Skinner and pigeons ◦  Example ◦ Dog Training

20  Orientation = move from place to place (compass in brain) ex. Birds  Courtship = hormones and mating  Aggression and Territoriality = defend area to secure food and mates  Social Behavior = groups/cooperation  Communication = all senses (sight, sound, touch, smell)

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