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Football Hooliganism as Adaptive Behaviour. Marsh (1978)  Marsh suggested that football hooliganism is the human equivalent to ceremonial conflict that.

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1 Football Hooliganism as Adaptive Behaviour

2 Marsh (1978)  Marsh suggested that football hooliganism is the human equivalent to ceremonial conflict that occurs within animal species.  Displays of hooliganism are male events which involve trials of strength over territory with groups ‘invading’ the oppositions territory at away games.  He said that the terraces provided a place for “displays of masculine behaviour” but in an environment that was relatively safe  He also stated about how although the behaviour appeared very aggressive it was far less ‘physically injurious’ than it appeared. Most groups conform to the “defend if attacked, but do not start a fight” rule.

3 Marsh Cont.  According to marsh humans develop social systems and rules that rely on culture to transmit them from one generation to the next  Humans do not rely on instinct to read another’s non verbal behaviour and adopt an appropriate response, unlike animals.  Interviews conducted with football hooligans suggest the fans intention is to humiliate the opposition and secure submission but not cause actual harm. Securing power, status and access to resources without threatening the survival of group members, therefore preserving the species.

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