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CHAPTER 15: PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPIES Section 1: What is Psychotherapy?

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1 CHAPTER 15: PSYCHOLOGICAL THERAPIES Section 1: What is Psychotherapy?

2 TWO KINDS OF THERAPY Therapy: treatment methods aimed at making people ________ and ____________ more effectively Psychotherapy: therapy in which a person with a problem ___ with a psychological ____________ Biomedical therapy: therapy for mental disorders in which a person with a problem is treated with ________ or ______ methods to ___________________

3 PSYCHOTHERAPY Goal: Help both ___________ and __________________ person better ______________ themselves Insight therapies: therapies in which the main goal is helping people gain insight with respect to their ______, ______, and ______ Better understand ________________________ Action therapy: therapy in which the main goal is to change __________ or ______________________ directly

4 BIOMEDICAL THERAPY The use of some biological treatment in the form of a _____________ to bring about changes ______________ _

5 THERAPY Psychotherapy ___________ associated with a disorder Biomedical Therapy ________ or _________ _________ of a disorder __________________________________ __

6 EARLY TREATMENT OF THE MENTALLY ILL 1 st organized effort to help the mentally ill happened in England in the middle of the 16 th century Bethlehem Hospital was turned into an ______– “_____________” Treatments: ________________________ __________& ____________ ________________ Induced __________________ All done to ____________ the body of impurities so that a person’s mind and soul could function more perfectly

7 PINEL REFORM 1793– movement towards humane treatment Effort to treat the mentally ill with ______ and ______ “________________ ”

8 MAIN KINDS OF THERAPY Psychoanalysis Humanistic Behavioral Cognitive Group Eclectic : approach to therapy that results from _______ ______ of several different approaches or techniques


10 WHAT IS PSYCHOANALYSIS? Psychoanalysis: an insight therapy based on the theory of ______, emphasizing the _______________________________ Instead of physically purging impurities, Freud believed in removing the impurities of the____________________ ____________________ All originating in the ____

11 PSYCHOANALYSIS Psychological disturbances are due to _______ caused by _____________ among the unconscious personality Psychoanalysis is used to help a patient feel more _____, ______, and able to _______ those inner thoughts “________”– Freud believed the couch would help people _____ enough to explore their unconscious Sitting behind the patient helps the patient avoids seeing when notes are being taken

12 DREAM INTERPRETATIONS A technique used by psychoanalysts to _____________ of patient’s dreams Freud believed dreams contain _________________ Manifest content: the __________ of one’s dream Latent content: the _____________ meaning of dreams If interpreted correctly, ___________ would ____ unconscious conflicts creating the __________ __________________ links dream content to a person’s existing life- problems

13 FREE ASSOCIATION Free association: technique in which a patient was encouraged to ____ about anything that ___________ without fear of ______________ Believed that patients would begin to reveal things that were loosely associated with their ________ Revealing _____, _______ ___________

14 PSYCHOANALYSIS Resistance: occurring when a patient becomes _______ to talk about a certain topic, either by _________ ______ or becoming ________ If this happens, psychoanalyst will help _____ and ______ the patient to continue Must analyze the _______ to reveal the ____of anxiety

15 PSYCHOANALYSIS Transference: the tendency for a patient or client to _______ positive or negative _______ for important people from the past onto __________________ May allow patient to _______________ toward the important person Often, patient treats therapist like a _______, etc. Ultimately, the therapist must help the patient work through this to become aware of __________ and __________

16 EVALUATION OF PSYCHOANALYSIS Pros Got rid of the __________ Helps those with ________ adjustment disorders Ex. ______, ________, or _________ disorders Cons Requires individuals to be highly _________ and _______ Not good for those who Are ____________ Suffer from more ___ ______ disorders, like _____________ _


18 HUMANISTIC THERAPY Not concerned with the _______ or _______ Focuses on Conscious, subjective _______ of _______ People’s sense of ____ Immediate experiences in _____ Emphasizes Importance of _________ The ________ to change one's behavior

19 PERSON-CENTERED THERAPY Based on theories by ___________ Believed that the closer the _______ and the ______ match, the happier and more adjusted the individual To match, a person must receive ___________________ Person-Center Therapy: a __________ insight therapy in which the client _________________ and the therapist ________ Nondirective: therapy style in which the therapist remains relatively ______ and does not _______ or take _________ with regard to the client, instead remaining a ____, _________ listener while the client talks Use client instead of __________ _______________ in the therapeutic process

20 PERSON-CENTERED THERAPY 4 Basic Elements Reflection: therapy technique in which the therapist _____ what the client _____ rather than interpreting those statements “_________” client’s statements Unconditional Positive regard: referring to the ____, _____, and accepting _________ created by the therapist for the client _________ the feelings, values, and goals of the client, even if they are different for the therapist Empathy: the ability of the therapist to ________ the _____ of the client Authenticity: the ______, _____, and ______ response of the therapist to the client

21 TECHNIQUES OF CLIENT-CENTERED THERAPY _______________ Acknowledge, restate, and clarify the ________________ ______ is reduced, _____ are released, & they feel like they are a more ___________ Gain courage to __________ of their _______ they formerly considered bad Recognize ______________ Set realistic _________ Movement to ______________

22 EVALUATION OF HUMANISTIC THERAPIES Pros Used to treat psychological ______, help people make _____ choices, deal with _______ problems, and in _________________ _ Low risk of therapist _________________ __ Cons Requires individuals to be highly ___________ and _____ Not good for those who Are ___________ Suffer from more ___ ______ disorders, like _____________ _


24 BEHAVIOR THERAPIES Behavior therapies: _____ therapies based on the principles of ______ & ________ conditioning and aimed at changing disordered _______ without concern for the original ________ of such behavior Emphasis on _______, not ________ Goal: Change behavior using _________ techniques used to learn any _________ Learning created the problem, new learning can ____________

25 THERAPIES BASED ON CLASSICAL CONDITIONING Remember: classical conditioning involves pairing a __________ with a ____________ so that the neutral stimulus will eventually elicit that ________________ Specifically use ________________ (more detailed Behavior Modification technique) This same type of learning is done when treating _____________ Ex. _______ disorder and __________________ disorder

26 THERAPIES BASED ON CLASSICAL CONDITIONING Systematic Desensitization: behavior technique used to treat _____, in which a client is asked to make a list of ordered _____ and taught to _____ while concentrating on those ______ Pairing the old conditioned stimulus (____) with a new response (_________) should reduce the ________

27 THERAPIES BASED ON CLASSICAL CONDITIONING 3 step process 1 st – learns to relax through _______________________ 2 nd – develop a ____ with the therapist, beginning with the object/situation that causes the _______, working up to the object/situation that causes the _________ ______________ 3 rd – beginning with the 1 st item, the client _____ it, _______ it, or _______ it while remaining in a relaxed state Done with the ________ of the therapist

28 THERAPIES BASED ON CLASSICAL CONDITIONING Aversion Therapy: form of behavioral therapy in which an ____________ is paired with an _____________ to reduce the ________ of the behavior Ex. Smoking a cigarette so rapidly that the nicotine induces ______ and _______, and sometimes actual _________

29 THERAPIES BASED ON CLASSICAL CONDITIONING Exposure therapies: behavioral techniques that expose individuals to _____ or ___-related stimuli, under carefully controlled _________, to promote _______ Can happen _________ or _________ In vivo– ___________ exposure Imaginal– _______ or exposed to _______ Virtual– exposed through ___________________

30 THERAPIES BASED ON OPERANT CONDITIONING Using ________, _______, ______, and ______ techniques to change the frequency of voluntary behavior Modeling: learning through the _______ and ______ of others Participant modeling: technique in which a model demonstrates the desired behavior in a __________, ______ process while the client is encouraged to ______ the model Ex. _____ a model approach a dog, then ____it, then ___ it, and finally ____ it Then the client must do the same

31 EVALUATION OF BEHAVIOR THERAPIES Pros Relatively ___ and ______ Effective for treating _____ behavioral problems Ex. _____________, ___________, drug addictions, _______ disorders Cons Not very effective for severe ______ or __________ However, there can be improvement in ______ __________


33 COGNITIVE THERAPIES Cognitive Therapy: focus is on helping clients recognize ________ in their ______ and replace ________, unrealistic _____ with more realistic, helpful ________ Works especially for ______ and _______ disorders Goal: Help client ____________ of their beliefs and assumptions in a _______________ Focus is on _____________, not ____________

34 BECK’S COGNITIVE THERAPY Focuses on distortions of thinking Common distortions Arbitrary inference: a person draws a conclusion that is _____ ____________________________________ ___ Ex. Suzy canceled our lunch date– she must be cheating on me Selective thinking: a person focuses _____________ of a situation while _______________________________ Ex. Teaching praising a paper, but made one comment about punctuation and Peter now believes his entire paper is awful

35 BECK’S COGNITIVE THERAPY Common distortions Overgeneralization: a person draws ___________ based on ____ ________ or event and applies those conclusions to_______ that are _______________________________ Ex. I insulted my English teacher and now I’ll flunk, never be able to get a job, and have to life on welfare Magnification and minimization: a person blows a negative event _______________ to its importance (__________) while ____________________________ (minimization) Ex. A student who has received good grades on every other test believes that the C she got on the last math quiz means she’s noting to get into college

36 BECK’S COGNITIVE THERAPY Common distortions Personalization: a person takes _________________ for events that _____________ to the person Ex. A friend walking into the classroom in a bad mood, and you automatically assume it’s because of something you did

37 COGNITIVE- BEHAVIORAL THERAPY Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): action therapy in which the goal is to help clients overcome problems by learning to _____________ & _____________ More ________ oriented than ______ 3 basic goals 1) _______________ and help clients _____ the problems 2) help clients develop _________ that can be used to ____ with future problems 3) help clients change the way they think from _______, ____ _______thoughts to more _________, ___________, positive thoughts

38 ELLIS’ RATIONAL- EMOTIVE BEHAVIOR THERAPY Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (RET): cognitive- behavioral therapy in which clients are _____________ in their irrational beliefs and helped to ____________ their thinking into more _______________ ___________________ __

39 ELLIS’ RATIONAL- EMOTIVE BEHAVIOR THERAPY Therapists __________ role __________ clients Assign ____________ Use _______ techniques to modify behavior ______ with clients about the rationality of their statements

40 RATIONAL-EMOTIVE THERAPY TECHNIQUES ABC’s of behavior ________ event _____about the event __________ that follow Activating Event ______ Belief ___________ ___________ __ Consequence Fast ______ ________ _ _____ away

41 EVALUATION OF COGNITIVE THERAPIES Pros Relatively ______ and _______ Less ____________ Successful in treating: _________________ _ ____________ disorders _____________ disorders Some types of ___________ Cons Has been criticized for treating the _______, not the ________


43 GROUP THERAPIES A group works together with the aid of a ________ to resolve a _______________________ Can use _________ of therapy previously discussed Goal: ____________ and provide __________________ support for each other Can see how _____________ with problems _______ to own Can see others who struggled with similar situations are _______ Provides __________

44 FAMILY COUNSELING Family Counseling or Therapy: group therapy in which members meet together with a counselor or therapist to ___________ that affect the _______________ Problems could be: ________ Child ____________ Sibling ____________ Other

45 FAMILY COUNSELING Focus is on ____________ among the family members Looks at family as a ___________ of interacting “_____” _____________v is the problem Goal: Discover the unhealthy ways in which family members ______ and __________ with one another and change those ways to healthier, more ____________ of interaction

46 SELF-HELP GROUPS Self-help/support groups: a group composed of people who have similar problems and who meet together ____ _______ or counselor for the purpose of ________, ______solving, and social and emotional __________ Best-known examples: Alcoholics Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, and Narcotics Anonymous

47 SELF-HELP GROUPS Also helpful for ____, _____, having a parent with dementia, having difficult children, _____, and dealing with ______ Meetings all over the country and at almost any ________________ ___ and provides social and emotional _____________ No leader, but does have a member who ______ at least the set up of a meeting

48 EVALUATION OF GROUP THERAPY Pros Lower _____ Exposure to different ______ to the problem See how the client ______ with others Social and emotional support Can be effective for an individual with _______________ Cons _________ is not guaranteed People may be ________ to share experiences Client must share __________ Not effective for ______ disorders, like ______ or _______________


50 DOES PSYCHOTHERAPY WORK? Generally, psychotherapy is more effective than ___________ Approximately 70-90% of individuals say psychotherapy has ____________________ The ____ a person stays in therapy, the ____ the improvement No one therapy type works ____________________

51 DOES PSYCHOTHERAPY WORK? Characteristics of effective therapy Therapeutic alliance: the relationship between therapist and client that develops as a _____, _____, _______ relationship characterized by ______, mutual _____, and ___________ ____ environment Opportunity for _______ _______ and ______ for new behaviors Positive ___________


53 PSYCHOPHARMACOLOGY Psychopharmacology: the use of drugs to _____ or ______ the __________ of psychological disorders ____________________________________ ____ 4 basic categories of medications used to treat ______ disorders, _____ disorders, the ___ phase of mood disorders, & _______ Antipsychotic medications Antianxiety medications Antimanic medications Antidepressant medications

54 ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS Antipsychotic drugs: medications used to treat psychotic symptoms, such as _____, ______, and other ______ behaviors Patients with _________ are typically prescribed these They work by blocking certain ___________ in the brain during _______________ (neural activity)

55 ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUGS Side effects Make _____, involuntary ____, and _______ of the face, lips, legs, and body _______, ________, reduced ____________ Potentially ______ reduction in white blood cells of the body’s ______ system Affects a very small amount of people

56 ANTIANXIETY DRUGS Antianxiety drugs: drugs used to ____ and ____ anxiety reactions, typically minor ____________ _____ or mild tranquilizers Treats minor anxiety, ____ _____, simple _____, and _____disorders Ex: _____ and _____ Risk possible __________

57 ANTIMANIC DRUGS Lithium– _____________ that in its salt form (lithium carbonate) evens out both the ____ and ____ of ______ disorder Side effects disappear quickly, but _____________________ ______ must be controlled _______________ typically treat seizure disorder, but are also used for mania Best treatment is a __________ of these

58 ANTIDEPRESSANT DRUGS Antidepressant drugs: drugs used to treat ______ and _______ Treats _____ disorders like _____ disorder, ________________ disorder, & _______________ disorder May take ___weeks to become effective However, ________ is minimal


60 ELECTROCONVULSIVE THERAPY Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT): form of biomedical therapy to treat severe _______ in which _______ are placed on either one or both sides of a person’s head and an ___________ is passed through the electrodes that is strong enough to cause a ________ of _________ Effective treatment for severe _______, ______, and some types of _____________ Used only when ________________________ Helps prevent __________

61 ELECTROCONVULSIVE THERAPY Controversial In the past, it caused ______ when not administered correctly Nowadays, it is more _____ & _______ Clients must provide __________ Not a ___, but a way to alter a person’s _________ long enough to be more _______ to other forms of psychotherapy


63 PSYCHOSURGERY Psychosurgery: surgery performed on ________ to _____ or _______ severe psychological disorders Prefrontal lobotomy: psychosurgery in which the __________ of the prefrontal ______ of the brain to the ___________ are severed The frontal lobe contains most of the ____________ that control emotions 1930s-50s– used on people who were extremely ______ or diagnosed with ________, _________, _____ disorder, and o___________________ disorder

64 PSYCHOSURGERY Disadvantages About 6% of patients _____ Negative changes to personality __________ Lack of _________ ________ dullness _______________

65 PSYCHOSURGERY Bilateral anterior cingulotomy: psychosurgical technique in which an electrode wire is inserted into the _________________ with the guidance of a magnetic resonance imaging machine for the purpose of _____________ that area of brain tissue with an _____________ Effective in __________ of all cases of Major ____________ ___________disorder Some __________ disorders Used as a _____________ when no other treatments seem to be working

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