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Welcome! NSD Vibrant Disciples Returning = Trusting.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! NSD Vibrant Disciples Returning = Trusting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! NSD Vibrant Disciples Returning = Trusting

2 Disciples: Following Jesus

3 Reaching FORWARD! As a part of the Seventh-day Adventist movement, and recognizing our prophetic role in history, a disciple of Jesus Christ is one who is growing in an authentic relationship with God and others. I will commit to:

4 Following God through daily spiritual practices

5 Opening myself to God by participating in regular corporate worship

6 Returning time, talents, and resources to God

7 Stewardship We are God's stewards, entrusted by Him with time and opportunities, abilities and possessions, and the blessings of the earth and its resources. We are responsible to Him for their proper use. We acknowledge God's ownership by faithful service to Him and our fellow men, and by returning tithes and offerings for the

8 Stewardship proclamation of His gospel and the support and growth of His church. Stewardship is a privilege given to us by God for nurture in love and the victory over selfishness and covetousness. The steward rejoices in the blessings that come to others as a result of his faithfulness.

9 Matthew 6:25-33 “Do not worry about your life, what you will eat, or drink,… or what you will wear…” Returning = Trusting

10 An average person's anxiety is focused on: 40% -- things that will never happen 30% -- things about the past that can't be changed 12% -- things about criticism by others, mostly untrue 10% -- about health, which gets worse with stress 8% -- about real problems that will be faced Returning = Trusting

11 Isaiah 30:15 “In quietness and trust is your strength” Returning = Trusting

12 Time Treasure Temple Talent Trust Truth Terrain Returning = Trusting

13 Self Parents Skills Automobile Bank Account Church Friends HomeTalents God Occupation Education

14 God Parents Skills Automobile Bank Account Church Friends HomeTalents Self Occupation Education

15 Matthew 6:25-33 “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness” Returning = Trusting

16 Mark 12:41-44 “She out of her poverty put in all that she had to live on.” Returning = Trusting

17 Widow trusted God

18 Returning time, talents, and resources to God

19 Let’s take a moment with the Stewardship Activity. We will spend 5 minutes filling out the two sections on your own. Then we will ask you to compare and discuss your answers with your group. Then your table will report to the large group. Returning = Trusting

20 Take My Life Take my life and let it be, Consecrated, Lord, to Thee, Take my hands, and let them move. At the impulse of Thy love, At the impulse of Thy love.

21 Take My Life Take my feet and let it be, Swift and beautiful for Thee; Take my voice and let me sing Always, only, for my King, Always, only, for my King.

22 Take My Life Take my lips, and let them be Filled with messages from Thee; Take my silver and my gold, Not a mite would I withhold, Not a mite would I withhold.

23 Take My Life Take my will and make it Thine; It shall be no longer mine; Take my heart it is Thine own! It shall be Thy royal throne, It shall be Thy royal throne.

24 Take My Life Take my love, my Lord, I pour At Thy feet its treasure store; Take myself and I will be, Ever, only, all for Thee, Ever, only, all for Thee.

25 Returning time, talents, and resources to God

26 Disciples: Following Jesus

27 Reaching FORWARD! Following God through daily spiritual practices Opening myself to God by participating in regular corporate worship Returning time, talents, and resources to God Willingly serve my local church and community in the context of my spiritual gifts Anticipating spiritual growth in others by being in genuine relationships Reproducing the discipleship journey in others through the power of the Holy Spirit Developing in my life of faith as evidenced by the fruits of the Spirit

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