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Gift of Adoption 2016 Chapter Conference. 2 Thank You We believe that having a loving family is a basic right for children everywhere. Thank you for giving.

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Presentation on theme: "Gift of Adoption 2016 Chapter Conference. 2 Thank You We believe that having a loving family is a basic right for children everywhere. Thank you for giving."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gift of Adoption 2016 Chapter Conference

2 2 Thank You We believe that having a loving family is a basic right for children everywhere. Thank you for giving hundreds of children a family and, in doing so, changing the world.

3 3 Thank You Change the World video

4 4 Welcome Introductions - Ice-breaker - State ‘tabs’ State of Union Celebration and Recognition

5 5 Ice-Breaker. Know Your States Bags Tournament Round 1: Get your State Cards Round 2: What's TRUE and INTERESTING to “earn” bags Round 3: Bean Bag Toss to Win

6 Emerging Chapter Market Connections San Francisco

7 Chapter Connections

8 8 State of the Union Where we’re going How we’re getting there How we’re doing What next

9 9 Where We’re Going: “500 in 5” Plan Our “500 in 5” Plan Will Double our Impact in One Quarter of the Time 500 Children in 2020 1996 to 2015: 20 Years/1565 Children

10 10 Where We’re Going: Source / Use of Funds Core Operations: Grant Selection | Referral Outreach ǀ IT ǀ Financial Management | Fundraising ǀ Donor Stewardship ǀ Marketing | Web ǀ Public Relations. (4.5 staff equiv) $800,000 to Core One-to-Many Programs 30 Regional Chapters (10 in fold; 9 emerging) 25 National Board (13 on) 100 Investor Board (46 on) Family Foundations Signature Event $1,200,000 to Grants $440,000 to Grants $1,640,000 to Grants Vision: 500 Children by FY 2020 (June 30, 2020) by growing Gift of Adoption’s annual revenue from $1.3m to $2.44m

11 11 The Core of the Plan is Chapter Expansion A National Chapter Network - Increases organizational resilience - Promotes brand prominence - Attracts influencers, leaders, corporate support, and in kind programs How We’ll Get There: Chapters Three Pronged Approach: Chapter Expansion, Brand Development, Donor Stewardship Goal is 30 Happy Chapters (450 board members) LEGEND Existing Chapter Emerging 16/17 Pipeline 17/18

12 12 The Core of the Plan is Chapter Expansion How We’ll Get There: Stewardship Three Pronged Approach: Chapter Expansion, Brand Development, Donor Stewardship Goal is 20% annual revenue growth Stewardship Program Refinement and Execution Cultivation Plans for key individuals and corporations - elements of cultivation plans - meeting to thank, interact with mission in unique / low-cost ways Development Performance Lead Indicators - Cost / $ raised - No. of donors, Avg. gift - Retention rate

13 New Website Redesigned website launched 12/15. Clean, modern look with added functionality. Mobile friendly. More robust chapter pages to support events, social media, giving campaigns Increase Commitment to Social Media Activity, Online Presence and PR Targeting one hometown story in each chapter market each year (growing from 6 annually to 19+) New Board member announcements in local media Daily Facebook posts (average monthly reach 6,032) – encourage sharing through chapter Facebook pages. 2,380 likes (+15% 1/1/16 v 1/1/15), Total reach +20% (Nov-Jan 2015 v Nov-Jan 2016) Twitter: Daily tweets, 4,081 followers, average monthly impressions 3,150 LinkedIn: 266 followers, average monthly reach 475 RFP-out to Search for Pro-bono PR Firm (25+ agencies) - Cause Partnership Pitching - Ongoing Brand Campaign Resource November Brand Campaign – Inaugural brand campaign leveraging chapter talents and donor relationships for 30 grants in 30 days (much more information on Friday!) 13 The Core of the Plan is Chapter Expansion How We’ll Get There: Branding Goal is MORE Impressions

14 14 FY15 FY16FY16Q3 bFY16 Q3 Grant Number166204153150 Children Adopted 212 14 in endowment255191179 Avg. Grant Award$3,744$3,675 $3,592 Operating Revenues$1,121,081$1,363,000$902,655$1,155,580 Total Expenses$1,080,844$1,357,000$1,004,696$982,151 Net Income+$40,237$6,000($102,041)$173,429 Chapter No.101610 Program Ratio78%76%n/a Revenue Notes: Gene Wyka life insurance benefits have a +$217,946 impact on FY16 operating revenues 3rd Quarter Performance: On Track How We’re Doing

15 15 What’s Next Momentum in new and existing Chapters - Anticipate 2 new chapters by fiscal-year close! - Ongoing webinars, new tools in recruiting, learning from each other Upping our Donor Stewardship + Cultivation - First time donor calls, individual plans, airport welcome (pilots) - Annual report recognizing outstanding levels of support November Brand Campaign - What’s your date in November? National Board - Growing board membership - Putting shoulder behind our Growth Campaign ($1.38m over 3 years)

16 We Have Lots to Celebrate!

17 17 20 th Anniversary - Mission Impact 20 th Anniversary Video

18 18 20 th Anniversary - Mission Impact Unveiling our 20 th Anniversary “Celebration of Family” Mural

19 19 Recognition Years of Service with Gift of Adoption Angels in Adoption Welcome – A New Chapter

20 20 Recognition: Celebrate New Hampshire!!

21 21 Recognition: Celebrate New Hampshire!! 1. Presentation of Chapter Banner 2. Invitation to join the Grant Selection Committee

22 22 Recognition: Celebrate New Hampshire!! NH Video

23 23 Conference Announcements Tonight’s Event - 5:30pm lobby check in - 320 guests: cocktail, dinner, program, auction - Informal post-event drink - 2 nd Floor Living Room reception Tomorrow’s Training - Breakfast 8-9am Grill Room (same room) - Mid-day drawing for Disney Park Hopper trip! - Rides to airport sign up sheet Need Anything? Contact Shila via Standard Club

24 24 Thank You We believe that having a loving family is a basic right for children everywhere. Thank you for giving hundreds of children a family and, in doing so, changing the world.

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