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Autumn Cycle of Life – Colour Board Jamie Long. Reds Red reminds me of danger. It can represent blood, fear, anger and even death. I feel that red is.

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Presentation on theme: "Autumn Cycle of Life – Colour Board Jamie Long. Reds Red reminds me of danger. It can represent blood, fear, anger and even death. I feel that red is."— Presentation transcript:

1 Autumn Cycle of Life – Colour Board Jamie Long

2 Reds Red reminds me of danger. It can represent blood, fear, anger and even death. I feel that red is a dangerous colour. Usually when you see the colour red, it can also mean ‘stop’. When you see the colour red, you most probably think about blood and it reminds me of the smell and taste of blood along with the feeling of ultimate fear and high levels of danger. It also represents the poppies from remembrance Sunday which takes place in Autumn every year as millions of people gather to remember those who put themselves in danger to serve for their country.

3 Greens Green reminds me of nature and brings a sense of calm. I find green to be a spacious colour due to it being a colour you find outdoors. No matter what season, the grass stays green, meaning this is the main colour of nature throughout the year. Being in a vast area of greenery means that there is lots of fresh air and I personally love the smell of freshly cut grass as I feel a sense of peace, freedom and serenity. The taste of green isn’t quite as exciting as it reminds me of the more healthy foods such as vegetables, although the colour green proves that these foods are good, due to green being a very positive colour.

4 Browns Brown reminds me of dirt and mud. As the weather begins to get damp from the autumn air and the rain, the ground starts to get more muddy. It also reminds me of coffee on a damp early morning and hot chocolate on a cold winters night. You can smell the coffee as you walk past the many shops early in the morning as the staff grind the coffee beans for the eager customers. I also look forward to settling down next to the fireplace on a cold winters night to drink a hot, smooth hot chocolate or making my own from putting a bar of chocolate in the saucepan and being able to smell it as it melts.

5 Oranges The colour orange once again reminds me of the rich autumn colours. I feel that reds, browns and the colour orange most heavily represent autumn. As the leaves begin to change colour in the autumn, you see the various oranges spread across the floor that have fallen from the trees above and the remaining few that are clinging onto the branches before the freezing winter weather wipes them out and leaves the trees bare. It also reminds me of pumpkins from the main holiday of autumn, Halloween.

6 Yellows Yellow reminds me of summer. I feel that it represents the warmth and light of the sunshine. I feel that this can also be the first stage of autumn, as the leaves begin to change colour from the summer and fall from the trees. As the weather begins to change you can smell the dampness and moisture within the air and almost taste it on your lips, you really begin to feel the moisture in the air as it fills your lungs during a chilly autumns morning.

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