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Formal Concept Analysis of Procedure Call Relations Christopher Taylor.

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1 Formal Concept Analysis of Procedure Call Relations Christopher Taylor

2 Formal Concept Analysis Foundations –notion of “concept” in logic(19th Century) –Lattice Theory (~1940’s) Introduced by Rudolf Wille (1979) A discrete technique for data analysis and knowledge processing –more suited to problems in our discipline (until law of large numbers takes over)?

3 Example


5 Quantum Scheme Interpreter


7 Finite Automaton Simulator


9 Future Work Analyze larger systems (tool limitation) Compare more systems with similar structure Automate the concept lattice generation Analyze some of the deeper lattice properties –what do they tell us about the system structure Compare concept analysis to other methods Can knowledge extraction be automated?

10 Related Work Assessing Modular Structure of Legacy Code (Christian Lindig and Gregor Snelting) –tried to find module in old systems Software Reengineering (Gregor Snelting) –further work on modularizing legacy code All anaylsis is done by manual inspection of generated lattice (if you can’t see it...)


12 References Formal Concept Analysis: Mathematical Foundations. Bernhard Ganter and Rudolf Wille. Springer-Verlag 1999 Software Reengineering Based on Concept Lattices. Gregor Snelting. ICSE 2000 Assessing Modular Structure of Legacy Code Based on Mathematical Concept Analysis. Christian Linding and Gregor Snelting. ICSE 1997

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