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Whitesmoke what is it ? It’s the most comprehensive grammar checker in the world Whitesmoke is the ultimate language solution for full text translation.

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2 Whitesmoke what is it ? It’s the most comprehensive grammar checker in the world Whitesmoke is the ultimate language solution for full text translation and perfect English writing multi lingual dictionary Consider one of the top 10 world best grammar spelling,style and punctuation checker Hundreds of professional letter templates to choose from. Full text translation from any application

3 WhiteSmoke is a writing-correction software. It checks what you have written and neatly, nicely shows you what you've done wrong. It checks your spelling, your punctuation, your grammar, even your writing style in everything you type.

4 * it’s available in 13languages * helps you write by showing what you’ve done wrong and offering suggestions it not only checks everything about your paragraph, it will give you an explanation as to why its wrong WhiteSmoke reviews your paragraph and gives you a rating out of 10 on how good you did.. Full text translation in any field such as medical, legal,business, Hi-Tech… This software can translate any general text and if it specialized in some field you can translate it By human translator in just a second,it cost around 2$ for 30 word The cost for this software around 80 $ Nouf alsaif Raghad alfaisal

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