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Using Structured Query Language (SQL) NCCS Applications –MS Access queries (“show SQL”) –SAS (PROC SQL) –MySQL (the new dataserver) –Visual Foxpro Other.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Structured Query Language (SQL) NCCS Applications –MS Access queries (“show SQL”) –SAS (PROC SQL) –MySQL (the new dataserver) –Visual Foxpro Other."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Structured Query Language (SQL) NCCS Applications –MS Access queries (“show SQL”) –SAS (PROC SQL) –MySQL (the new dataserver) –Visual Foxpro Other popular databases –Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server

2 SQL or “Zen and the Art of Working with Data” (Part 1)

3 Training Goals Understand CONCEPTS and VISUALIZE the data. Learn a few key terms that you can use for searching programming language guides or indexes. “Computer awareness”: Learn to think like a computer (when needed). Improve data problem solving.

4 Basic Concepts Database – collection of tables Table – rows (records) and columns (also called variables or fields)

5 Basic Commands SELECT.. FROM.. SELECT * FROM temp INSERT INTO... INSERT INTO temp (ein, name) VALUES (“9999999”, “My org.”) UPDATE SET... UPDATE temp SET EIN = “9999999”, NAME = “My org.” WHERE NAME = “My Old Org.” DELETE WHERE ein = “9999999” CREATE DROP

6 SELECT CREATE TABLE tempNew AS SELECT ein, name FROM temp ORDER BY ein, name WHERE NAME = “ ” ----------------------------------------------------- Which fields? Three choices:  * (asterisk)  List fields separated by commas  Create new fields (“firstname || lastname AS fullname”) FROM what source? Sort?... ORDER BY ein, name For which records? WHERE NAME = “ ” Where is the result going?  CREATE TABLE tempNew AS SELECT * FROM temp; (SAS)  CREATE TABLE tempNew SELECT * FROM temp;  SELECT... INTO TABLE tempNew (Foxpro) Summary or Detail Output?

7 “Calculated Fields”/Expressions Concatenate & manipulate strings: SELECT ein || taxper AS nccskey, LOWER(SUBSTR(name,1,30)) as name2... FROM core99... Create “row” percentages: SELECT p1tcont/p1totrev * 100 as contPct,... Flag problem records: SELECT IIF( p1tcont > p1totrev, 1, 0) as contbad... SELECT SUM( contbad) as bad, COUNT(ein) as count... GROUP BY nteecc

8 SELECT for Summarizing SELECT state, SUM(p1tcont) as totCont, COUNT( ein) as COUNT FROM temp GROUP BY state ----------------------------------------------------- GROUP BY vs. ORDER BY Skip the GROUP BY, get a “total total” Summary functions: SUM() COUNT() - May behave differently in different programs. COUNT(*), COUNT(ein), COUNT( p1tcont) AVG() MIN() MAX()

9 Joining Tables: Sample Data

10 Inner & Outer Joins Inner = intersection of 2 sets SELECT core92.exps as exp92, core96.exps as exp96 FROM core92, core96 WHERE core92.ein = core96.ein; Outer = union of 2 sets SELECT core92.exps as exp92, core96.exps as exp96 FROM core92 LEFT JOIN core96 ON core92.ein = core96.ein;

11 Advanced Topics Subqueries: “Organizations in 1999 but NOT in 1998 files?” SELECT * FROM core99 WHERE EIN NOT IN (SELECT ein FROM core98); Dynasets (Access), Views (SAS) vs. Static sets: Data from some Access queries or Views can be edited. Working with LARGE datasets: INDEXing or SORTing dramatically improve performance. Find duplicates: SELECT ein, COUNT(ein) … GROUP BY ein HAVING count > 1;

12 Creating Tables, Inserting Rows Creating a table: CREATE new (ein C(9), name C(50)) Inserting a row: INSERT INTO new (ein, name) VALUES (core99.ein,;

13 Comparison Operators =, >, =, <= MySQL, SAS: name LIKE “%THEAT%” Access: name LIKE “*THEAT*”

14 ODBC: Open Data Base Connectivity To get there: Control Panel, ODBC or Admin. Tools, ODBC


16 Access: “SQL View” INSERT INTO vartest ( variable, format, disabled, label, qSubText, sequence, keyfield, display, required, form ) SELECT [Variable Dictionary].Field_name AS variable, IIf(IsNull([NDW_format]),"float0",[ndw_format]) AS format, [Variable Dictionary].NDW_disabled AS disabled, [Variable Dictionary].NDW_label AS LABEL, [Variable Dictionary].Description AS QSUBTEXT, [Variable Dictionary].NDW_sequence AS sequence, [Variable Dictionary].NDW_keyfield AS keyfield, [Variable Dictionary].NDW_display AS display, [Variable Dictionary].NDW_required AS required, "Core90Test" AS form FROM [Variable Dictionary] INNER JOIN (Files INNER JOIN [File/Variable Junction] ON (Files.[File ID] = [File/Variable Junction].[File ID]) AND (Files.[File ID] = [File/Variable Junction].[File ID])) ON [Variable Dictionary].FieldID = [File/Variable Junction].FieldID WHERE (((Files.filename1)="core90c3"));

17 Resources online UI SAS users group intranet: Full SAS manuals are also online (somewhere)

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