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Hosted by Granneman 100 200 400 300 400 Poseidon ApolloHephaestusHermes 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.

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2 Hosted by Granneman

3 100 200 400 300 400 Poseidon ApolloHephaestusHermes 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 What did Demeter become to Escape Poseidon and what Was he when he “captured” her? What are a mare and stallion?

5 1,2 Apollo shoots arrows of what? sickness

6 1,3 Hephaestus is scorned because he is _____ and he represents whom? Ugly and lame, lower class

7 1,4 One of Hermes’ many roles Is to protect whom? Merchants, travelers, thieves

8 2,1 What did Athena and Poseidon Give Athens when competing for Its patronage? What is an olive tree and salt water spring?

9 2,2 What is the prophetess at Delphi Called and how long did it function Under Apollo? Pythis, 1000 years

10 2,3 How did Hephaestus get revenge on Hera? Made a golden throne which trapped her and would not return to Olympus to free her until Dionysus got him drunk and brought him back

11 2,4 Hermes’ invents? Lyre, sausage, sneakers

12 3,1 Who was punished for having Sex with Poseidon in Athena’s Temple and how was she Punished? Who is Medusa and why she was turned into a monster with snakes for hair?

13 3,2 Granted true gift of prophesy, But no one ever believed her. Cassandra

14 3,3 How did Hephaestus trap Aphrodite and Ares? Made an invisible net and trapped them in bed together.

15 3,4 Hermes and Apollo represent Whom in Greek society? Aristoi, kakoi

16 4,1 What did Poseidon send to keep Odysseus From returning home and why? What are sea storms and why did Odysseus blind Polyphemus, Poseidon’s son?

17 4,2 Granted as many years of life As she could hold grains of sand But she refused Apollo so Never had eternal youth Who is Sibyl?

18 4,3 Why did Zeus throw Hephaestus from Olympus? He interfered in an argument between Zeus and Hera

19 4,4 What did Hermes steal from Apollo and how? Cows, put their hooves on backwards

20 5,1 Poseidon’s wife Who is Amphitrite?

21 5,2 Was pregnant and slept with A mortal so Apollo killed her Coronis

22 5,3 Who assists Hephaestus In metal working? Cyclopes and golden robots

23 5,4 How was Apollo and Hermes’ Conflict settled and what was the Lesson for the Greeks? Hermes gave back the cows and gave Apollo a lyre, aristoi and kakoi look past their differences and find a common political interest

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