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Presentation on theme: "ACES HYBRID PROFESSIONAL LEARNING COMMUNITY, MEETING THREE ACES PLC, ATLAS, October 2014."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome Back…Webinar Style! ACES PLC, ATLAS, October 2014  Introductions of the host and facilitator  Who’s present?  Who’s ready to go?  Speakers working?  Microphone?  Check out the “mute” webinar tool & make sure you are muted.  When you’re called on, unmute yourself, introduce yourself, and re-mute.  Ready, Set, Go-To!

3 Meeting Three Agenda  Warm-up: TIF Highlights  Ideal ACES Practitioner > Chat  Sharing Outside Task #5: 3 volunteers?  Sharing Outside Task #4: 3 volunteers?  TIF-ing the Classroom Review > Quiz  Sharing Outside Task #3: 3 volunteers?  Preview Activity: The Complete TIF: 3 volunteers?  Got the Drift of the TIF? > Poll  TIF Category Review > “Chat Out”  What’s next? > Partner Chat  CCRS & ACES > Presenter  Wrap-up and Q&A > Chat ACES PLC, ATLAS, October 2014

4 Warm-up Activity  “Chat” yourTIF “highlight” to the group. What is one positive outcome you had in your instructional setting that resulted from your PLC work? ACES PLC, ATLAS, October 2014

5 Who is the ideal ACES practitioner?  The ideal ACES practitioner  knows about…  knows how to…  is committed to…  Read the compiled notes.  Do you have anything to add? Insights? Comments?  Raise your hand… ACES PLC, ATLAS, October 2014

6 Lesson Observation through TIF Lens– Outside Task #5  Briefly share your observation with the group: Did you observe a colleague? Watch a video?  Describe the lesson What transitions skills were put in action? What more “TIF-ing” could be done, do you think? ACES PLC, ATLAS, October 2014

7 TIF-ed Lesson: Try it Out 2! – Outside Task #4  Briefly share your TIF-ed Lesson experience.  Identify your category and give a brief description of your lesson, including the TIF skills you addressed.  What was the highlight of the lesson?  What ‘evidence’ of student learning did you observe? ACES PLC, ATLAS, October 2014

8 Review!: TIF Methods  It’s a quiz!  Match each activity example to one of the TIF methods…  Routine  Norm  Learning Task Format  Technology  Language ACES PLC, ATLAS, October 2014

9 TIF Your Classroom! Outside Task #3 Share your TIF method with the group… What did you do? What TIF skills did it address? How did it go? ACES PLC, ATLAS, October 2014

10 Preview Activity: the Complete TIF Link:  You navigated the complete TIF to find sample activities for the sub-skills in your category.  What did you find? Transitions Integration Framework ACES PLC, ATLAS, October 2014

11 Effective Communication (EC): Effective communication is a two-way process between individuals of diverse backgrounds and experience in which information is conveyed and received in ways that are mutually understood as intended. This can include speaking, writing, and all forms of nonverbal communication. Examples of activities in this category could include adjusting communication to suit various audiences, questioning to clarify meaning and to enhance understanding, or articulating differences and appreciating how differences can affect communication. Teaching the skills in this category will help the learner give and receive information in a purposeful, appropriate, and collaborative manner. Skill 1: SWBAT…Engage positively and actively with individuals in both one-on-one and team settings to accomplish goals Sub Skills:a.Seek and offer clarification (clarifying questions, paraphrasing, restating)appropriately in spoken and written communications b.Repair communication breakdowns respectfully and effectively c.Acknowledge and affirm others (regardless of culture, religion, gender, age, sexual orientation) and their contributions d.Express expectations and acknowledge an understanding or acceptance of the expectations of others e.Participate, make contributions, and encourage the contributions of others in order to accomplish the shared goal of a team f.Employ effective strategies for resolving conflict EC: Skill 1-Sub Skill a: Seek and offer clarification (clarifying questions, paraphrasing, restating) appropriately in spoken and written communications Complexity Sample Activities Role play basic scenarios* using rote phrases, posted in the classroom to request clarification (e.g., Excuse me? Can you repeat that?) and provide basic clarification as requested (e.g., I said… I meant…). Role play scenarios* utilizing a variety of phrases, created by students and posted in the classroom, to request and offer clarification as requested. Discuss situations* in which asking for clarification is crucial. Discuss possible consequences that may result for not getting clarification. Write two contrasting scenarios; one with consequences for not requesting clarification, the other with better results after requesting clarification. ACES PLC, ATLAS, October 2014 Remember our example from Meeting TWO? TIF Category: Effective Communication TIF Skill/Sub SkillLevelActivity DescriptionHow will you tweak it? Skill 1aBeg. Request clarification using rote phrases such as “Can you repeat that?” I will create a poster w/ examples of requests for clarification. I will refer Ss to this poster as needed.

12 What did you find? ACES PLC, ATLAS, October 2014 TIF Category: Effective Communication TIF Skill/Sub SkillLevelActivity DescriptionHow will you tweak it? ???? Choose at least TWO sample activities you could try with your students. Make sure at least one of them is a TECHNOLOGY example. Fill out the grid below with your choices and tweaks. Be prepared to share in Meeting #3. How might you use this with your students? How could this activity work in your context?

13 Got the Drift of the TIF? POLL!! ACES PLC, ATLAS, October 2014 How far have you come with your integration of the TIF skills from your category? Miles ahead of where I’ve been! Over the river and through the woods… Just up around the bend… Miles to go before I sleep!

14 TIF Test “Chat Out”! ACES PLC, ATLAS, October 2014 Transitions Integration Framework

15 What’s THIS Category of the TIF?  Identify and follow norms of an organizational structure ACES PLC, ATLAS, October 2014 Navigating Systems!!

16 What’s THIS Category of the TIF? Evaluate personal skills, strengths, values, and beliefs to inform decisions about one’s future pathway ACES PLC, ATLAS, October 2014 Developing a Future Pathway!!

17 What’s THIS Category of the TIF?  Recognize and apply rich academic vocabulary in multiple discourses (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) ACES PLC, ATLAS, October 2014 Academic Language & Skills!!

18 What’s THIS Category of the TIF? Applying appropriate strategies for comprehending oral or written language in texts and listening activities ACES PLC, ATLAS, October 2014 Learning Strategies!!

19 What’s THIS Category of the TIF?  Apply patterns and use variables to represent and solve problems that involve numeracy in everyday and/or academic contexts ACES PLC, ATLAS, October 2014 Numeracy!!

20 What’s next? Think/Pair/Share What’s next? Choose which area(s) of the TIF you would like to explore next. What local support would be helpful? How can I impact my program? What support will I need from the wider ABE community? ACES PLC, ATLAS, October 2014

21 ACES 6-pack ABES*! The Muscle Behind the mission! *Adult Basic Education Support 1. ACES Resource Library 6-pack: Pre & Post A-C-E-S Lesson Plan (3-pack) TIF-ed Lesson Video PowerPoint with Workshop Handouts and Activities Archived Webinars 2. ACES Face-2-Face PLC II 3. ACES Hybrid PLC II 4. ACES Regional Workshops 5. TIF-Lens Series Webinars Developing a Future Pathway (Dec.) Critical Thinking (Feb.) Learning Strategies (Spring) Navigating Systems (Spring) 6. ACES Collaborations ACES PLC, ATLAS, October 2014

22 CCRS & the TIF The TIFs transferable transitions skills complement CCRS academic-based skills. Academic Language & Skills and Numeracy aligned. Effective Communication, Learning Strategies, and Critical Thinking also support CCRS skills.

23 A-C-E-S Process & CCRS ACES PLC, ATLAS, October 2014  The A-C-E-S Process (Assess, Complement, Evaluate, Study & Reflect) can be used with any set of standards. Start with an existing lesson or lesson materials. Assess the lesson for CCRS standards it already addresses Complement the lesson/materials with additional CCRS standards Evaluate the lesson using evidence of student learning Study & Reflect…What more do I/my students need?

24 Thank you & Wrap-up THANK YOU for participating in an ACES Professional Learning Community! ACES PLC, ATLAS, October 2014 miigwech


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