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Clinical Musculoskeletal Injections

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1 Clinical Musculoskeletal Injections
Chris Parfitt MD FRCS©

2 Disclosures none (I like giving injections)

3 Musculoskeletal Injections
A bit like moose hunting Chasse l’orignal

4 Moose Hunting Hunting licence Right animal (moose) Right caliber rifle
Right type of bullet YOU HAVE TO HIT THE TARGET

5 Musculoskeletal Injections
Medical licence Right diagnosis Right needle Right dose of medicine YOU HAVE TO HIT THE TARGET

6 MSK Injections General
Informed consent Procedure Benefits Risks In writing or verbal ALWAYS ASK ABOUT ALLERGY!!

7 MSK Injections General
The equipment Antiseptics bandages

8 MSK Injections General
Equipment Assorted long and short acting local anesthetics With and without epinephrine

9 Types of Cortisone Triamcinolone 40 mg cc (potency 5)
Methylprednisone 40 mg/cc (potency 5) Betamethasone 6 mg /cc ( Potency 25) Kenalog Depomedrol Celestone

Currently no strongly stated rules about what we inject into a joint BUT!!!

11 Steroid shots and blood sugar
No effect Increases blood sugar Methylprednisolone 40 mg Triamcinolone 40 mg betamethasone

12 PAIN PUMPS Used post operatively starting about 2002 Marcaine with epi

13 Bupivacaine and Chondrolysis
Bupivocaine epinephrine infusion pumps caused high rates of chondrolysis 2005 to 2008

14 Bupivacaine Chondrolysis
Now a whole crop of pain pump lawsuits

15 Injections and Chondrotoxicity
Apoptosis of chondrocytes is a validated measurement of chrondrocyte toxicity

16 Injections and Chondrotoxicity
prednisolone cause chondrocyte death in ex vivo chondrocytes, betamethasone did not Farkas et al CORR 2010 All local anesthetics caused chondrocyte death Dose and time related Farkas et al CORR 2010

17 Injections and chondrotoxicity
All local anesthetic toxicity to chondrocytes potentiated with epiniphrine

18 Injections and Chondrotoxicity
The combination of cortisone and local anesthetic is possibly synergistic in causing chondrotoxicity

19 Chondrotoxicity: current recommendations
Although common practice is to inject steroid and local anesthetic together There are no specific recommendations in the literature

20 Injections and Chondrotoxicity
Intuitively? Use .5% lidocaine, .25% bupivocaine Use bupivocaine, also prednisolone Inject steroid with saline

21 Injections and Chondrotoxicity
If joint already bone on bone, there are no chondrocytes to be toxic to, therefore longer acting local anesthetic can be used!

22 Injections: Tenocyte toxicity
Some studies show tenocyte toxicity with steroids and local anesthetic More dilute local anesthetic less toxic

23 MSK Injections General
Assorted syringes Preneedled syringes are time saving Draw up solution with larger needle demo

24 MSK Injections Needle size
1.5 inch 25 gauge for fine injections 1.5 inch 21 gauge is optimal for larger joints (shoulder and knee)

25 MSK Injections General
Triamcinolone 40 mg mil Methyl prednisone 40 mg miL Betamethasone 6 mg mil

26 MSK Viscosupplementation
Hyaluronic acid now just over 200$ Approved for arthitis (mostly knee studies)

27 PLATELET RICH PLASMA Becoming more common Cost from 400 to 800$

28 PRP Soft tissue Cochrane review 2014
Insufficient evidence to support use for MSK soft tissue injuries and tendopathies

29 PRP Knee arthritis General concensus is that PRP injections as good
Or slightly better than Hyaluronic acid and saline injection More side effects AAOS March 2015

30 MSK Injections Technique
One needle (mixed) Two needles (prefreezing) Less experienced should prefreeze

31 MSK Injections Technique
Betadine best as you can see where it is demo Wait until it dries (until the screaming stops) Prep, then prepare the injection

32 Tricks of the trade Assess resistance for injections into space
DO NO HARM Need large bore needle to draw up solutions demo

33 MSK Injections: New kid on the block
Ultrasonically guided injections Rapidly becoming more common Need US machine and training Price of US machine decreasing Not discussed today

Evidence based ANN RHEM DIS 2008 sept;7(9)

35 Trigger Finger .5cc steroid 1 – 2 cc local anesthetic
Don’t inject into the tendon Inject into or around synovial sheath

36 Trigger Finger HOT OFF THE PRESS
Peri pulley injection had higher success rate than intra sheath injection

37 Basal Joint arthritis CMC joint arthritis

38 Basal Joint Arthritis Slight traction Prefreezing very helpful
.5 cc steroid (20mg) 1cc of local anesthetic marcaine E

39 De Quervains Disease Evidence based
BMC MSK disorders 2009 Oct 27;10;131 .5 to 1 cc steroid (20 – 40 mg) 2cc to 3 cc local anesthetic

40 De Quervain’s Disease Inject into or around the sheath

41 Tennis Elbow Evidence that cortisone is beneficial for at least short term relief

42 Tennis Elbow Use 3 to 5cc, marcaine with epi 40 mg cortisone
Inject the extensor origin Use single needle Patient leaves office pain free

43 Shoulder Injections Cochrane summary says no better injection success with clinical vs ultrasound guided injection (for now)

44 Shoulder Injections Rotator Cuff Tendinitis or tear in elderly
Evidence based Duration of benefit variable in different studies

45 Shoulder Injections Subacromial injection
Use 2 cc of steroid (80) mg with 8 cc of long acting local anesthetic Posterior, slide needle under acromion

46 Shoulder Injections Arthritis or frozen shoulder
8cc marcaine with epi, 1-2 cc steroid (40 to 80mg)

47 Shoulder Injections Glenohumeral injection Posterior, in soft spot
Arm internally rotated

48 Trochanteric Bursa injections
Evidence based Journal rheum. 1996 Dec;23;(12)

49 Trochanteric bursitis
Large joint 2cc 80 mg steroid 8cc marcaine with epi Lateral position, hip extended Long needle Marcaine with epi Single needle

50 Knee injections Evidence based Cochrane database
Both steroids and viscosupplemtation

51 Knee injections Large joint Use 2 cc steroid (80 mg)
8cc anesthetic/saline .5% lidocaine, .25% marcaine Lateral subpatellar approach

52 Knee Injection Leg extended Relaxed Pull kneecap laterally
Needle goes under the superior patella Great for aspiration

53 Knee injection: Preaspiration?
One study on RA patients demonstrates better response with preaspiration for steroid injections Weitoff, Journal rheumatic dis. 2000

54 Hallux Rigidus Injection
Arthritis great toe No good studies on this Lots of personal positive experience

55 Hallux rigidus injection
Better done with 2 needle (prefreeze) 25 gauge needle Small joint 1cc marcaine E and less than one half cc steroid

56 MSK Injections Questions

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