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Invertebrates Animals without a backbone. Phylum Porifiera: Sponges Filter Feeders Move fluid and bodies by Choanocytes Spines called spicules Asymmetrical.

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Presentation on theme: "Invertebrates Animals without a backbone. Phylum Porifiera: Sponges Filter Feeders Move fluid and bodies by Choanocytes Spines called spicules Asymmetrical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Invertebrates Animals without a backbone

2 Phylum Porifiera: Sponges Filter Feeders Move fluid and bodies by Choanocytes Spines called spicules Asymmetrical Asexual and Sexual –Hermaphrodites; produce eggs and sperm at different times


4 Phylum Cnidarians: Jellyfish, Hydras, Coral, Sea Anemone Radial Symmetry Two body Types Medusa and Polyp –Medusa: Jellyfish Polyp: Hydra or Sea Anemone Cnidocytes: Harpooning cells to sting prey Only one body cavity for digestion.


6 Phylum Platyhelminthes: Flat Worms. Bilateral Symmetry Flat bodies allows for diffusion of food and gases. No circulatory or digestive system. Class Turbellaria: Marine flatworms Class Cestoda: Tape worms Class Trematoda: Flukes cause schitsomiasis


8 Phylum Nematoda: Roundworms Bilateral Symmetry One way digestive system!!!!! Pseudocoelum Whip-like movement: muscles push against body cavity. Trichinella- from uncooked pork Heart worm -Dogs Pin Worm


10 Phylum Molluska: Gastropoda, Bivalvia, and Cephalopoda Bilateral Symmetry True Coelum –Allows for open circulatory, respiratory, etc. systems Mantle surrounds body Most have a Radula-Rasping tongue Others have Beaks One way digestive system


12 Phylum Annelida: Earthworms and Leeches 1 st segmented Animals. Body is ring shaped Coelmates: True body cavities with two way digestive systems Primitive brain = cerebral ganglia Nerve chord and blood vessels 5 hearts. Digestive system: Mouth to Esophagus to Crop (storage) to Gizzard (grinding) intestine (absorbing) to anus (out)

13 Phylum Echinodermata: Starfish, Sea cucumbers, Sea Urchins Found in Oceans: Sea Urchins, Sea Cucumbers, Sea Stars, Sand Dollars… Spines cover body: sharp projections Tube feet use water to create suction and move. Starfish: Mouth that is pushed out of the body and liquefies prey. Can regenerate arms or Rays of Starfish.


15 Phylum Arthorpoda: Lobsters, Spiders, and Ants Animals with jointed appendages. Exoskeleton: Outgrow they Molt Two or three body sections Crustaceans: Lobsters, shrimp, crab. 2 body sections, 10 legs. Breath with gills. Arachnids: Spiders, scorpions, ticks. Eat garden pests: 2 body sections, 8 legs. Insects: Wasp, Ant, Grasshopper. 3 body sections and 6 legs. Bad for crops. Good for honey and silk. Food source for many


17 Economic importance of Invertebrates Earthworms: Decomposers, make good dirt. Ladybugs: Voracious Predators Crustaceans and Mollusks: Food Source Insects can be pollinators or destructive to crops. Round and Flat worms: can be parasitic to animals and plants- crop damage.

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