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Leg·a·cy (lg-s) n. pl. leg·a·cies Something handed down from an ancestor or a predecessor or from the past.

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Presentation on theme: "Leg·a·cy (lg-s) n. pl. leg·a·cies Something handed down from an ancestor or a predecessor or from the past."— Presentation transcript:

1 leg·a·cy (lg-s) n. pl. leg·a·cies Something handed down from an ancestor or a predecessor or from the past

2 What do you want your campaign to hand down?


4 In one year, what is your wish for… Your base of supporters and volunteers Your celebrities Your materials: t-shirts, posters, billboards Your campaign website Your partnerships Your support groups Your hotline

5 In five years, what is your wish for… Your base of supporters and volunteers Your celebrities Your materials: t-shirts, posters, billboards Your campaign website Your partnerships Your support groups Your hotline

6 What can you do this year to get there?

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