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UNIT 20. 1.Why are some of Shakespeare's comedies not so funny for us? 2.When did the traditional crosstalk appear in China? 3. Few foreigners know.

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Presentation on theme: "UNIT 20. 1.Why are some of Shakespeare's comedies not so funny for us? 2.When did the traditional crosstalk appear in China? 3. Few foreigners know."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNIT 20



4 1.Why are some of Shakespeare's comedies not so funny for us? 2.When did the traditional crosstalk appear in China? 3. Few foreigners know about Chinese crosstalk show. Why?

5 1. Why is Dustin Hoffman so famous? A. He is famous for his works. B. He is famous for his foreign accent. C. He is famous for his role acting as a woman. D. He is good at playing on words. 2. What does a “sketch” mean in the text? A. a rough, quickly made drawing B. general outline C. short, humorous play D. a piece of writing 3. Comedians and players in a comedy are similar in ____. A. their way of playing with words B. Clothes C. cross-dressing way D. Foreign accent   

6 Cross-dressing man: Dustin Hoffman

7 特 困 生特 困 生 Word play

8 Stereotypes of people doing certain jobs

9 Para 1 1. What is comedy? 2. techniques Cross dressing men & women Stereotypes of nationalities or people Speak with an accent Play on words


11 Para 2 1. act alone or as a pair 2. techniques Don’t often use words Use their clothes, make –up and the way they walk etc



14 Para 3 1. Act alone or as a pair 2. techniques 3. Make people not only laugh, but also think about life Body language and their face Act out a situation – a sketch Use word play


16 Para 4&5 1.Act as a pair 2.Long history (over 2200 years) 3. techniques Dress up a little or act out small sketch Using rhythm & rhyming words Using tongue twisters

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