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Colorado Achievement Plan for Kids Update November 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Colorado Achievement Plan for Kids Update November 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colorado Achievement Plan for Kids Update November 2011

2 SB08-212 – Key Steps Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness School Readiness Define “School Readiness” and “Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness” Revise Content Standards Revise Assessments System Create criteria for HS Diploma endorsements Adopt Graduation Guidelines Align Higher Education Admission Requirements Align teacher preparation programs Create a seamless, aligned P-20 education system

3 Beginning with the “end in mind” “The New World of Work”

4 Postsecondary & Workforce Ready Learning & Behavior Skills Content Knowledge Social Studies & Social Sciences Social, cultural, historical concepts Interpret sources, evaluate evidence, build conceptual frameworks Civic responsibility & political process Interpret from a global perspective Arts & Humanities Shaping of culture Instruments of social & political thought Awareness of innovators Science Scientific method Draw conclusions Core concepts of disciplines Scientific concepts can be challenged Literacy Read with understanding & write coherently Employ English properly & fluently Use logic & rhetoric Access primary & secondary sources Find and Use Information & IT Creativity & Innovation Collaboration Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Civic Responsibility Communication Personal Responsibility Global & Cultural Awareness Work Ethic Mathematical Sciences Be quantitatively literate Algebraic & geometric principles Problem solving Data & statistics

5 School Readiness Description School Readiness describes both the preparedness of a child to engage in and benefit from learning experiences, and the ability of a school to meet the needs of all students enrolled in publicly funded preschool or kindergarten. School Readiness is enhanced when schools, families, and community service providers work collaboratively to ensure that every child is ready for higher levels of learning in academic content.

6 SB08-212 – Key Steps Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness School Readiness Define “School Readiness” and “Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness” Revise Content Standards Revise Assessments System Create criteria for HS Diploma endorsements Adopt Graduation Guidelines Align Higher Education Admission Requirements Align teacher preparation programs Create a seamless, aligned P-20 education system

7 254 Coloradans served on subcommittees 8000 Log in edits or tour comments for all three phases Public feedback tour in 20+ cities Collaboration with ECE and Higher Ed 19 CDE Staff Members 220 working meetings by reviewers, subcommittee members, policy leaders Half of these meetings were more than 8 hours long each.... 23 Stakeholders CEA, CASB, CASE, C-DHE Updates and Feedback 8 District Advisory members 15 National Content and Alignment Reviewers 186,258+ miles traveled by subcommittee members Colorado Standards Revision

8 Created Fewer, Clearer, Higher Standards Fewer: Essential Concepts & Skills vs. Excessive Content Clearer: Coherent Focus on the Student Outcomes Higher: Greater Depth of Knowledge and Skills 8

9 21 st Century Skills Critical Thinking and Reasoning –(cause and effect, analysis, logic) Information Literacy –(knowledge acquisition, source discernment, system management) Collaboration –(synergy, team resourcing, leadership for new knowledge) Self-direction –(persistence, adaptability, work ethic, initiative) Invention –(creativity, innovation)

10 Old vs. New Old 1. Many standards 2. List of content 3. Broad/Vague 4. Grade Spans 5. Wish list heavy New 1. Fewer 2. Concepts & Skills 3. Specific 4. Grade level /HS 5. Essentials 6. 21 st century/PWR 7. Early Childhood

11 SB08-212 – Key Steps Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness School Readiness Define “School Readiness” and “Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness” Revise Content Standards Revise Assessments System Create criteria for HS Diploma endorsements Adopt Graduation Guidelines Align Higher Education Admission Requirements Align teacher preparation programs Create a seamless, aligned P-20 education system

12 Assessment Revision Mantra To create an assessment system that…  Signals mastery and readiness  Is easy to use  Is meaningful  Is timely

13 Assessment….or a system? Colorado is not only replacing the CSAP. It is creating a feedback system with on- going signals which prevent chronic freshman need for remediation.

14 Vision The new Colorado Assessment System is designed: – To be relevant to the student at every grade – To be instructionally relevant – To quantify a student’s progression toward Postsecondary and Workforce Readiness (PWR).

15 Redesign recommendation o A system would now include: o Formative (on-going) measurements at every grade o Interim (quarterly) measurements at every grade o Summative (end of year) measurements (3-11 th grade) o P-2 assessments o ICAP (Individual Career and Academic Plan) (8 th -12 th ) o Nationally-recognized college admissions assessment (11 th grade) o Dashboard (hosts indicators of readiness) (P-20)

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