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The BIG Themes of Environmental Science. 1) Everything is Interconnected! Each organism does have a direct or indirect impact on others. Indirect relationships.

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Presentation on theme: "The BIG Themes of Environmental Science. 1) Everything is Interconnected! Each organism does have a direct or indirect impact on others. Indirect relationships."— Presentation transcript:

1 The BIG Themes of Environmental Science

2 1) Everything is Interconnected! Each organism does have a direct or indirect impact on others. Indirect relationships are common – (and more easily ignored). –Indirect does not mean unimportant, though! –Example: African Fruit Bats and food

3 2) Sustainability is a KEY goal for living. The ability of the Earth’s natural systems and human societies to survive and adapt to conditions indefinitely.

4 4 Principles of Sustainability 1)Rely on solar energy (direct or indirect) 2)High biodiversity – More genetic variation means more adaptability to the environment 3)Population Control – if pops. get too high, the environment gets negatively impacted 4)Nutrient cycling – natural processes recycle nutrients for reuse over time.

5 3) There are 5 Basic Causes of Environmental Problems The five causes are: - population growth - wasteful, unsustainable resource use - poverty - not including the environmental costs of products in their pricing - lack of information on how nature works

6 4) Earth is Filled with Natural Capital Natural Capital – the natural resources and services that keep the Earth going –Natural Resources – materials deemed essential by humans –Natural Services – functions of nature that support life and economics Humans impact and degrade these services. We also can find solutions to environmental problems. –Solutions often involve a trade-off! -- NOTHING IS FREE IN THIS WORLD!

7 Discuss! Turn to the person next to you: –Identify 3 things that would be deemed natural resources –Identify 3 things that would be deemed natural or ecological services

8 Examples – Natural Resources Wildlife Water Air Lumber Minerals Food Sunlight

9 Examples – Natural/Ecosystem Services Pollination by native insects Control of pests from natural predators Filtration of water in soil/wetlands Storage of water (underground aquifers) Cycling of nutrients Release of oxygen by plants Prevention of soil erosion by plants Flood control from wetlands Breakdown/disposal of wastes

10 5) Individuals and Individual Actions MATTER!! Individual actions have an impact on environmental quality. The sum of these have led to environmental successes and problems. To make changes, individual action is needed

11 6) Our Ecological Footprints are Growing Ecological Footprint – the amount of land and water resources needed to supply people/area with needed renewable resources and ability to clean wastes –If the world continues to use materials as it is, we need a 25% increase in the Earth to provide the resources needed to continue this. –If the world used resources like the U.S., the world would need an 88% increase in resources to survive –With increased industrialization and population growth, estimates show that by 2050, the Earth will need 5 times as many resources to meet demands


13 7) Tragedy of the Commons Idea presented by G. Hardin Describes situation in which multiple people acting in their own interest destroy a shared resource. –Destruction is not intentional…it is a consequence of individualism. –The “commons” is any shared resource. –The tragedy is the long-term destruction of the resource. –No one is able to “police” the commons

14 Examples of Tragedy of Commons Overfishing Slash and Burn Agriculture in Tropical Rain Forests –Cutting down small forest tracts to grow food. –In 3-5 years, land cannot grow food or trees Global Warming –Commons is the air and climate. –Individuals make greenhouse gases for their needs, causing commons to suffer. Other Stranger Examples –Traffic Jams –Antibiotic Use

15 Things To Ponder?? Sustainable societies take care of their natural resources and live off their income. Can we live in a democracy and still be environmentally sustainable?

16 Back to the Tragedy… Tragedy of the Commons Video Clip

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