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Presentation on theme: "PRESENT TENSE SIMPLE AND PRESENT TENSE CONTINUOUS."— Presentation transcript:


2 trdilni stavki: I / you / we / they: work he / she / it: works Present simple Present continuous nikalni stavki: I / you / we / they: don’t work he / she / it: doesn’t work vprašalni stavki: Do I / you / we / they work? Does he / she / it work? WH-vprašalni stavki: Where does she work? Why do you work? trdilni stavki: I am working he / she / it is working we / you / they are working nikalni stavki: I am not working he / she / it is not working we / you / they are not working vprašalni stavki: Am I working? Is he / she / it working? Are we / you / they working? WH-vprašalni stavki: Where is she working? Why are you working?

3 ADVERBS OF TIME Besede, ki se pogosto uporabljajo Pres. C.: now, at the moment, at present, today, tonight, this week, this year, look, listen, etc. Besede, ki se pogosto uporabljajo Pres. S.: always, usually, normally, often, sometimes, rarely, hardly ever, never, every day, every month, every year, every morning, every evening, etc.

4 Present Continuous uporabljamo za dejanja, ki se dogajajo v tem trenutku. I am playing tennis at the moment. Present Simple uporabljamo za dejanja, ki se redno ponavljajo. I play tennis every day. past present future I am playing Present simple Present continuous (I play) (I am playing) Uporabljamo ga tudi za stanja ter splošno veljavne resnice. He lives in London (all his life). Water always freezes at 0 º C.

5 Water is boiling. Can you turn it off? Water boils at 100 degrees celsius. Present simple Present continuous

6 Listen to those people. What language are they speaking? Excuse me, do you speak English?

7 Let's go out. It isn't raining now. It doesn't rain very much in summer. Present simple Present continuous

8 I am going to bed now. Goodnight! I always go to bed before midnight.  Present simple Present continuous

9 Use the continuous for a temporary situation: You're working hard today. Use the simple for a permanent situation: John isn't lazy. He works very hard most of the time. Yes, I've got a lot to do. Present simple Present continuous

10 Present S. and Present C. in one sentence Every day I drive to work by car but this week I‘m going to work on foot. Usually I play tennis but today I‘m playing football.

11 PRESENT CONTINUOUS UPORABIMO, ko govorimo o izjemah na naše navade. (za navade uporabimo Present Simple.)

12 Verbs without -ing form


14 PRESENT CONTINUOUS 1. Simon is running to school now. 2. We are studying now. 3. I am talking on the phone now. 4. You are watching a film now. 5. Sandra is going home now. 6. They are washing their car now. 7. The train is arriving now. 8. Peter is sleeping now. PRESENT SIMPLE 1. Simon runs to school every day. 2. We study every day. 3. I talk on the phone every day. 4. You watch a film every day. 5. Sandra goes home every day. 6. They wash their car every day. 7. The train arrives every day. 8. Peter sleeps every night. EXERCISE 1 1. Simon / run / to school. 2. We / study. 3. I / talk / on the phone. 4. You / watch / a film. 5. Sandra / go / home. 6. They / wash / their car. 7. The train / arrive. 8. Peter / sleep. 1. Simon / run / to school. 2. We / study. 3. I / talk / on the phone. 4. You / watch / a film. 5. Sandra / go / home. 6. They / wash / their car. 7. The train / arrive. 8. Peter / sleep.


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