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Chapter 13 Part 1 Pages 434-437. Terms to Know Prohibition Speakeasy Bootlegger Fundamentalism Charles Darwin Scopes Trial.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 13 Part 1 Pages 434-437. Terms to Know Prohibition Speakeasy Bootlegger Fundamentalism Charles Darwin Scopes Trial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 13 Part 1 Pages 434-437

2 Terms to Know Prohibition Speakeasy Bootlegger Fundamentalism Charles Darwin Scopes Trial

3 Population Shifts in the 20’s Big movement from the countryside to the cities Largest cities in the 20’s: – New York – Chicago – Philadelphia

4 The Countryside Conservative Lower pace Everyone familiar Little change

5 The Cities Exciting! – Drinking – Gambling – Tolerant – Faster-paced – Strangers

6 Prohibition 1920-33 Amendment 18 Repealed by Amendment 21 Illegal to manufacture, sell or transport alcohol

7 The Volstead Act Alcohol: a beverage that contained more than ½ of 1% alcohol Enforcement Statute Speakeasies, Bootleggers (rum runners) Organized Crime (Al Capone)

8 The Scopes (Monkey) Trial Background: Darwin’s Origin of Species introduced the notion of evolution The book split Protestant churches in U.S. Modernists v Fundamentalists

9 The Butler Act (Tenn) Forbade the teaching of evolution in public schools The ACLU hired Clarence Darrow to test the case John Scopes volunteered to break the law with the understanding that his defense would be paid for by the ACLU

10 William Jennings Bryan Defended the Butler Act and the fundamentalist view of the Bible Case was broadcasted on the radio coast to coast Was appealed to the Tennessee State Supreme Court

11 BUT In that trial, Scopes was found guilty but fine or jail time was recinded So…The ACLU COULD NOT appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court as there were no damages!

12 Chapter 13 Part 2 Pages 440-443 Terms to Know Flapper Double-standard

13 Women The Flapper! Her clothes, make up, bobbed hair, behavior! The Automobile and freedom Pink collar jobs Time saving electric appliances Child care One stop shopping Ready-to-wear clothing

14 The Changing Family Children to school Men to work Women at home (if middle class or upper class) Working class women had to work outside of the home and were responsible for everything at home as well

15 Fewer Children Margaret Sanger and Birth Control 1916 a clinic (was burned down) 1921 Founded the American Birth Control League Was fined and jailed for distributing pornography (literature about birth control)

16 Chapter 13 Part 3 Pages 446-451 Terms to Know: Charles Lindbergh George Gershwin Georgia O’Keefe Sinclair Lewis F. Scott Fitzgerald Ernest Hemingway Edna St. Vincent Millay

17 Youth Many more in high school (new vocational courses) Flag pole sitting Cramming into cars, phone booths, goldfish swallowing, dance marathons (the Charleston)

18 20’s Heroes Babe Ruth Charles Lindbergh Entertainment: The Radio KDKA 1920 first national broadcast

19 The Writers The Lost Generation: Social Critics America too commercial, materiallistic, oppressive Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Dos Pasos Called the Lost Generation Others: Gertrude Stein, T.S. Eliot, Sinclair Lewis (first American for Nobel Prize for lit)

20 The Finer Arts Georgia O’Keefe Edward Hopper Composer: George Gershwin

21 Motion Pictures Birth of a Nation 1915 The Jazz Singer 1927 first talkie Steamboat Willy 1928 Disney first animated film

22 Chapter 13 Part 4 Pages 452-459 Terms to Know: Marcus Garvey Harlem Renaissance Claude McKay Langston Hughes Louis Armstrong Duke Ellington Bessie Smith

23 The Harlem Renaissance Marcus Garvey: Black Nationalist Talented African Americans were showcased Writers: Langston Hughes, Countee Cuyllen, Claude McKay

24 Music 1921 First Black musical: Shuffle Along Feachered talented actors, vocalists Jazz: Louis Armstrong, Jellyroll Morton, Duke Ellington The Cotton Club Bessie Smith

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