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 George Washington John Adams Eliseo Lugo III.  Revolution in France divides America  1793- Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation (England vs France)

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Presentation on theme: " George Washington John Adams Eliseo Lugo III.  Revolution in France divides America  1793- Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation (England vs France)"— Presentation transcript:

1  George Washington John Adams Eliseo Lugo III

2  Revolution in France divides America  1793- Washington’s Neutrality Proclamation (England vs France)  Impressments of American ships  Impressment is the act of seizing someone and forcing them into service  Jay’s Treaty (1794)  Pinckney’s Treaty (1795) Chaos in France

3  In the 1780s and 1790s the area between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River are settled rapidly  This settlement would lead to conflicts with Native- Americans in Northwest Territory Battle of Fallen Timbers (1794): American troops vs native confederation

4 WWashington asked to run for 3 rd term, refuses (precedent) IIn Washington’s Farewell Address he warns against sectionalism, political parties, and becoming too involved in foreign affairs Washington retires to Mount Vernon after serving as President


6  Long record of patriotism, extensive background  Bright and capable, but he was difficult to deal with  He had a tough act to follow (George Washington)  Barely defeated Jefferson in 1796 election, then was forced into having Jefferson be his Vice President.  His presidency will immediately have to face a crisis John Adams

7  Adams presidency is almost immediately faced with a crisis over strained relations with France  The French are upset with the United States position of neutrality in the war between France and England. Why?  The French were also upset with the United States by the Jay Treaty since they felt it put the United States on the side of the British.

8  The Jay Treaty repaired relations between Great Britain, which the United States needed economically. (American trade with Great Britain would be necessary for American prosperity)  As a result, American merchant ships began being seized by French warships  Adams sends delegates to France to negotiate a peace. This mission would lead to the XYZ Affair  French ministers (X, Y, & Z) requested bribes in order to enter into negotiations

9  The United States sends delegates to France.  XYZ Affair-Three French agents attempt to make the United States pay money before discussing French seizure of neutral American ships. In other words, they tried to bribe the United States before they would consider stopping their Impressment of American ships  Adams told Congress about the proposal but did not name the agents, instead he called them X,Y, and Z.

10  As a result of the XYZ Affair, Federalists demanded that Adams ask Congress to declare war on France.  The people were outraged and demanded war with France  Adams refused and wanted to keep the U.S. out of foreign affairs, essentially following Washington’s advise.  As a result he built frigates. Frigates are fast- sailing ships with many guns

11  Adams builds these frigates to convince France to stop attacking and impressing their sailors.  Adams then sent delegates once again to France in an effort to avoid war with them  Since France was preoccupied with their war in Europe, the agreed in 1800 to stop seizing and impressing American ships.  In the United States, the fallout from the XYZ Affair increased tensions between the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans.  This tension would lead to the Naturalization Act and the Alien and Sedition Acts.

12 What did it do?  Increases from five to fourteen number of years required to qualify for U.S. citizenship Why would it favor the Federalists?  Most immigrants voted with the Democratic-Republicans

13 What did it do?  Authorized the president to deport any aliens considered to be dangerous  Authorized the president to detain any enemy aliens in a time of war Why would it favor the Federalists?  Democratic-Republicans sympathetic to the French Revolution

14 What did it do?  Makes it illegal for newspapers to criticize the president or Congress  Imposed heavy penalties for editors who violated the new law with either fines or imprisonment Representative Matthew Lyon of Vermont, arrested under the Sedition Act of 1798, attacking a fellow congressman

15  Keeps U.S. out of war, preserves neutrality  Strengthens the Navy  Peaceful transfer of power in 1800  Relationship with France damaged  New taxes imposed  Party politics become entrenched Dislike for the Federalist Congress and the Alien and Sedition Acts cost Adams his reelection and gave control of Congress to the Republicans. But in weighing his presidency, we have to consider the negative along with the positive:

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