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 Require the speaker to fulfill specific functions of the occasion/event  Can be either informative or persuasive.

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2  Require the speaker to fulfill specific functions of the occasion/event  Can be either informative or persuasive

3  Entertain  Celebrate  Commemorate  Inspire  Agenda-setting

4  Celebrate the life of a person  Recall an event of significance  Commemorate a cause  (Speech given to honor someone)

5  Often emotional and personal  Not Eulogies  Language is illustrative  Language is evocative  Does more than “saying” (descriptive)  Universal themes  Personalized with narratives  Allows audience appreciate honoree

6  Identify who you are commemorating (one person)  Determine what qualities are special/unique  State elements to audience  Identify and describe these vividly  Note obstacles and triumphs  Personalize with stories  Be truthful, genuine, & express sincere appreciation

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