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1.Continue to analyze Jackson’s character via the events list. HW – AJ Hero/Villain outline due TOMORROW. MARCH 29, 2016 NHD – hand in final process papers,

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Presentation on theme: "1.Continue to analyze Jackson’s character via the events list. HW – AJ Hero/Villain outline due TOMORROW. MARCH 29, 2016 NHD – hand in final process papers,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1.Continue to analyze Jackson’s character via the events list. HW – AJ Hero/Villain outline due TOMORROW. MARCH 29, 2016 NHD – hand in final process papers, anno. Bibs. AND projects.

2  What did Jackson supporters call the Election of 1824?  The Corrupt Bargain  Who won the Election of 1824 and WHY?  John Quincey Adams…looks like he won because even though he did not get the popular vote, he had Henry Clay get votes for him. In return Clay got the job of __?__ Q & A

3  What are the nicknames for Andrew Jackson and what do they mean?  “Old Hickory”  “Sharp Knife”  “Hero of New Orleans”  “King Andrew”  Which political party started with Jackson?  Democrat  P.S. – The Federalist Party fizzled and the Whig Party was created. Q & A

4 First westerner in White House. Gave more power to the “Common people” – looked like ‘riff-raff’ rushed into the White House. Jackson’s supporters were called “Democrats” and his opponents were “Whigs”. “Hero of New Orleans” Tough guy – “Old Hickory” Born in a log cabin. Parents were poor farmers. Strong. Studied law. Made good land investments. Defeated Creek Indians. Elected to Congress. Got land in Florida and Alabama.

5 “Violent and adventurous.” “Quick to lose his temper.” “Dealt with enemies harshly.” Nicknamed “King Andrew” because he took on more presidential power/looked like a tyrant. “A champion of the common people.” “Inspiring leader.” Creek Indians nicknamed him “Sharp Knife” for his heavy hand with the natives.

6 Jackson quickly gave government jobs to his supporters – GOOD. They were often NOT qualified for the jobs – BAD! Fired over 200 people from the previous administration. Jackson – “ordinary people need to be in government.” Only Secretary of State (Martin Van Buren) was qualified to be in Jackson’s REAL cabinet. Jackson did not rely on the cabinet; he relied on his “Unofficial” cabinet, called “The Kitchen Cabinet” because they met in the White House kitchen.

7 Jackson HATED the National Bank!! He thought it was too powerful and undemocratic. Although it was created by Congress, it was run by private bankers (like Bank President, Nicholas Biddle) and Jackson said “it only helped the rich”. In the Election of 1832, Jackson won a second term and he killed the bank. Loss of federal money caused corruption and an economic crisis.

8  Who was Jackson’s Vice President?  John C. Calhoun  What issue made Jackson and Calhoun enemies?  Nullification - What is that?  Calhoun wanted states to have the RIGHT to CANCEL federal laws…especially the TARIFF of Abominations… Rs7A Q & A

9 Huge fight between John C. Calhoun (VP) and Jackson: 1828 – Congress passed the highest tariff ever!! It was called THE TARIFF of ABOMINATIONS. The south was hurt so bad by the tariff, they wanted to NULLIFY or CANCEL any federal law that states thought “unconstitutional”. 1832- Congress lowered the tariff slightly. South Carolina passed the Nullification Act – declaring the tariff illegal and threatened to leave the Union if they didn’t get their way. Jackson passed the Force Bill to send the military in to ENFORCE the bill. SC backed down, repeal the Nullification Act and crisis avoided!

10 Jackson called for the push of Indians on to lands WEST of the Mississippi River. It would give land to the whites and move the Indians instead of destroy them. The Supreme Court said that Cherokee Indians in Georgia did not have to move. Jackson said, “too bad” and supported the Indian Removal Act in 1830 = The Trail of Tears (The 1838 trek of 15,000 Cherokee over hundreds of miles…thousands died.)

11  TWO DETAILED/SPECIFIC reasons Jackson looks like a HERO  TWO DETAILED/SPECIFIC reasons Jackson looks like a VILLAIN  They can NOT be the SAME ISSUE/EVENT  EXPLAIN your choice!!!! OUTLINE HW

12 1. Check Hero/Villain HW 2. Discuss PROJECT requirements 3. Define Manifest Destiny and describe key examples. HW – AJ Project due Monday. MARCH 30, 2016

13  Jackson got in trouble for giving government jobs to friends/supporters. What is that called?  The Spoils System  Jackson had a group of “Unofficial Advisors” that we called…  His “Kitchen Cabinet”  Jackson said his biggest victory as President was…  “Killing the National Bank”  P.S. – This caused an economic depression that the next President got blamed for (Martin Van Buren) Q & A


15  Which Native American Tribe did the Supreme Court protect in 1832?  Cherokee Nation (in Georgia)  What was the name of the act Jackson used to “relocate” Natives?  Indian Removal Act Q & A



18  What was the name for the 15,000 Cherokee march over hundred’s of miles? Q & A


20  TWO “hero” details and TWO “villain” details (very specific)  Follow rubric…typed…organized…creative  3 PARAGRAPHS (one for villain, one for hero and one for YOUR DECISION)  See Examples  Due Monday ANDREW JACKSON: HERO OR VILLAIN PROJECT

21  Manifest Destiny is a term for the attitude prevalent during the 19th century period of American expansion that the United States not only could, but was destined to, stretch from coast to coast. This attitude helped fuel western settlement, Native American removal and war with Mexico ( MANIFEST DESTINY


23 Due any time during the period – CUT out the “TWO FACES” of Andrew Jackson for your project. Assignment Number 1 – Attempt to label all parts of the MANIFEST DESTINY primary source image. Assignment Number 2A – Read “Women and the Oregon Trail” page 596 Assignment Number 2B – Begin outline of page 383-384 “Wagon Trains West”…don’t forget the rules of outlining (on side board) TODAY’S IN-CLASS ASSIGNMENTS

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