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HAPPY MONDAY! 1. What was the overall message of the Monroe Doctrine?

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1 HAPPY MONDAY! 1. What was the overall message of the Monroe Doctrine?


3 ELECTION OF 1824  John Quincy Adams (MA)  Henry Clay (KY)  Andrew Jackson (TN)  William Crawford (VA)

4 BUT…  Jackson-32 votes short from winning majority in the Electoral College  No one wins the majority of Electoral College -> top 3 candidates move to the House of Representatives  Jackson, Adams, Crawford (Clay had lowest #)

5 BUT…  Henry Clay was Speaker of the House … aka MOST influential  Clay pushes for John Quincy Adams and he WINS

6 THEN…  John Quincy Adams makes Henry Clay his Secretary of State

7 JACKSON’S RESPONSE  “Corrupt Bargain”  Claims Clay had approached Jackson with same offer  Resigns in the Senate and vows to win next election

8 RECAP…. 1. Who won the election? 2. Why was the election moved to the House of Representatives? 3. Why is this referred to as the “corrupt bargain”?

9 AGE OF JACKSON  1828- Jackson beats Adams for re-election  SPOILS SYSTEM: wins election, gives government jobs to supporters, friends and relatives as a reward

10 JACKSONIAN DEMOCRACY  Remove property qualifications for voters  Extend to more WHITE, MALES  Appealed to the “common man”  Became known as “Old Hickory”

11 NATIVE AMERICAN RELATIONS  1830- Indian Removal Act  Federal government provide funds to negotiate treaties to force Natives out west  Jackson viewed this as “generous”  1831- Cherokee v. Georgia  John Marshall refuses to rule, states the Cherokee had no federal standing, they were a “domestic, dependent nation”  1832- Worcester v. Georgia  Worcester was a missionary citizen who took the case back to the Supreme Court  Court ruled Georgia was not entitled to regulate the Cherokee or invade their land  Jackson refuses to abide, “Marshall made his decision, let him enforce it”

12 TREATY OF ECHOTA  SMALL, NON-REPRESENTATIVE portion of Cherokee sign the treaty  Gives away 8 million acres of land for $5 million and land “west of Mississippi”  Do you think this was fair?

13 TRAIL OF TEARS (1838)  Fully executed by Jacksons successor (Martin Van Buren)  Forced removal of the Cherokee from Georgia to Oklahoma  800 mile trip  More than ¼ of the Cherokee population dies during the journey  Federal officials stole their money and livestock along the way



16 JACKSON ON NULLIFICATION  1828- Tariff of Abominations issued  Protect Northern economy, South has to buy more expensive Northern goods  John C. Calhoun (SC) claims nullification (anonymously)  Senator Hayne supports nullification and states rights, Senator Webster opposes  1832- South Carolina  Declare 1828 and 1832 tariffs VOID and threatens secession if officials tried to collect duties  JACKSON IS FURIOUS  Threatens to hang Calhoun and would use federal force to enforce the tariffs  Passes the “Force Bill” in 18330 allowing federal government to use army and navy against SC  1833 Henry Clay proposes a tariff bill that would lower duties over a 10 year period (PEACE)

17  1832 Jackson vetoes the recharter for the Bank of the United States  Charter was not due to expire until 1836 but Clay and Webster propose earlier renewal  Jackson describes the BUS as a “privileged” institution  Said the BUS had unfair advantage over state banks  BUS stockholders, not average Americans, were making interest  “Monster that corrupted our statesmen and wanted to destroy our republican instutiton”  “Pet Banks”- small, state banks that received money from the government JACKSON AND THE NATIONAL BANK

18 OPPOSITION TO JACKSON  Henry Clay, John Quincy Adams, Daniel Webster form the WHIG PARTY  Split from Democratic Party  Favor American System, federal banking system, national currency

19 YOU’RE DONE  Show me your notes for points then start your project!

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