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The Americans Chapter 2: The American Colonies Emerge John Smith Hernando Cortes John Winthrop William Penn.

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1 The Americans Chapter 2: The American Colonies Emerge John Smith Hernando Cortes John Winthrop William Penn

2 Section 1: Spain’s Empire in the America’s Conquistadors Cortes Aztecs New Spain & Mexico City

3 Section 1: Spain’s Empire in the America’s Spanish building their new American Empire Peninsulares mostly men Techniques from the reconquista Mestizos “It was neither triumph nor a defeat: it was the painful birth of the Mesitzo nation that is Mexico today.” Encomienda

4 Section 1: Spain’s Empire in the America’s Spain’s Golden Age Cortes conquers Mayans, Yucatan, and Central America Pizarro conquers Incas in South America European Countries struggled to keep up w/ Spain’s power Move into Southwest & Southeast U.S. Not much gold found = spread their culture and religion ( congregraciones ) Ponce de Leon; Florida ( Feast of Flowers ) French Pirates; Pedro Menendez; St. Augustine Ponce de Leon

5 Section 1: Spain’s Empire in the America’s Resistance & Rebellion to the Spanish Native American resistance to Spain’s attempt to force culture and religion on them New Mexico Pope’s Rebellion (Pueblo Rebellion) 17,000 warriors from around New Mexico took back their lands for 14 years

6 Section 2: An English Settlement at Jamestown Jamestown King James I grants Charter to the Virginia Company Gold Hungry Settlers neglected basic survival needs (planting crops, clearing fields, etc…) Winter of 1607 = 38 colonists left alive JOHN SMITH = “he that will not work shall not eat” Powhatan influence before & after John Smith Brown Gold (John Rolfe) Chief Powhatan

7 Section 2: An English Settlement at Jamestown The Search for Labor Headright system 50 acres of land plus 50 more for each family member Indentured servants 4-7 years African Laborers 2 to 3 times cheaper than indentured servants First bunch treated as I.S.

8 Section 2: An English Settlement at Jamestown English and Native American Clashes English Colonization practices much different from the Spanish “The wild Irish” vs. Mestizos John Rolfe & Pocahontas Continued Hostilities between English colonists & Powhatan King James I had enough Royal colony

9 Section 2: An English Settlement at Jamestown Bacon’s Rebellion Doeg Tribe vs. frontier farmers Va. Governor William Berkley refused support vs. N.A. Nathaniel Bacon puts together militia Berkley declares militia illegal Stormed Jamestown Berkley and others flee by ship Bacon dies of illness a month later Resistance is quickly overtaken

10 Chuck Norris says “I don’t take notes, I stare them down until I get the info I need.” Unfortunately you can’t do that, but we’re almost done.

11 Section 3: Puritan New England Puritans, New England, & John Winthrop Puritans vs. Church of England Massachusetts Bay Company Separatists “City upon a Hill” Governor John Winthrop “I am persuaded God will bring some heavy affliction to this land” (England)

12 Section 3: Puritan New England Dissention in Puritan New England Roger Williams No rightful claim to land unless purchased from N.A. Govt. has no right to punish based on religious beliefs Heresy in the eyes of traditional Puritans Williams ordered to be arrested and sent to England Williams fled = Providence Anne Hutchinson “the Holy Spirit illuminates in the heart of every true believer” Banished from N.E.

13 Section 3: Puritan New England Conflicts vs. Native Americans Pequot War Pequot vs. Puritans & Narragansett Miantonomo’s Warning King Phillip’s War Metacom (King Phillip) English Victory over a year Proportionally worse death rates than Civil War Native American power in NE defeated

14 Section 4: Settlement of the Middle Colonies New Netherland Henry Hudson—employed by the Dutch—sails up the Hudson River Fur trade established w/ Iroquois New Netherland & New Amsterdam Diversity is widespread French, Germans, Scandinavians, Africans Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Protestants “Dutch Wedge” James II (Duke of York) took over proprietorship = New York Gave land to buddies = New Jersey (after British island) Henry Hudson

15 Section 4: Settlement of the Middle Colonies Quakers & Pennsylvania The “Holy Experiment” William Penn & Quakers Pacifism No aristocracy Freedom of religion Did not defer to anyone of rank “City of Brotherly Love” Friendly N.A. relations Eventually Quakers became minority Dutch West India Company

16 “Nice Job w/ the notes—did you know that when I do a pushup I’m not lifting my body up…I’m pushing the earth down.”

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